bby_1979 2017-02-12 10:32 IP:未知
一无所有小童鞋 2017-02-08 15:15 IP:济南
要求:1、工艺成熟,可以满足车间大生产(5kg以上)规模; 2、成本合理; 3、绿色环保; 4、价格面议。   [更多]
oceanpharm 2016-11-27 12:38 IP:南京
xiumukediaoxf 2016-11-23 14:45 IP:重庆
本人高级工程师、硕士,从事化药制剂研发10年,负责项目制剂开发及注册申报37项,经验丰富,能为企业制剂研究做指导工作,现寻求兼职工作,长期合作,可面谈或电谈,待遇适当即可。。。有兴趣企业联系我。   [更多]
didagege 2016-10-27 17:40 IP:石家庄
求购“Amoxicillin+Trihydrate”《 BP2015 》的药典标准一份.   [更多]
tengsu0121 2016-07-15 17:02 IP:株洲
tan1990 2016-07-05 10:05 IP:重庆
标题:求 维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价 详细要求: 需求名称:维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价专家 具体要求:寻找一个维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价方面的专家或团队,要求擅长一致性评价相关工作和法规,有维生素D的研究背景,能够满足一致性评价方面的要求,有一致性评价成功案例的优先。 交稿方式:直接点击交稿在线交稿就是了,我会每天过来看的,谢谢各位   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-23 10:55 IP:重庆
通常情况下,清洁假牙污渍,给假牙消毒是一系列费力又乏味的过程,如:取下假牙,用水冲洗,准备清洁剂,把假牙浸泡在清洁剂中,洗刷假牙,等等。 寻求一种高效清洁技术,能简化上述中一些复杂的过程,从而达到更高效的用户体验。如:把假牙放到清洁剂中,直接达到清洁的作用。 悬赏截止日期:2016年6月19日 投标网址: 原文: Challenge Overview Maintaining dentures clean, free from stains and disinfected, requires a number of laborious and tedious procedures when they are out of the mouth. Removing the denture, rinsing the denture, preparing a cleaning solution, soaking and brushing the denture, are all tasks that have to be repeatedly performed and that consumers find cumbersome. A great improvement for consumer experience would be to have a highly efficient cleanser that would make denture care easier. Imagine for example a situation where it would be as simple as removing the denture and immersing it for a few seconds in a liquid solution – this would be a dream scenario. Therefore, the Seeker is seeking for novel alternative cleanser technologies that are be more consumer-friendly but still highly efficient. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution. However, the Seeker will be willing to consider a licensing agreement for a partial award if exclusive IP cannot be transferred by the Solver. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on June 19, 2016. Late submissions may not be considered. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Seeker for this Challenge requires additional Solver verification and due diligence. Please read carefully the respective sections in the Challenge Specific Agreement for further information or use your Project Room to ask a question.   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-19 09:49 IP:重庆
从成本效益角度出发,寻找一种可以大规模生产天然叶醇的制造技术。需要提供出参考资料,实验数据和样品。参考资料中需要列出技术需求,详细描述的实验数据,同时需要提供原材料的样品。 转让知识产权后,将收到赏金。 悬赏截止日期:2016年8月18日 投标网址: Challenge Overview Cis-3-hexenol (leaf alcohol) is a fragrant compound naturally produced by plants. Its characteristic odor has made it a highly successful natural green compound in the flavor and fragrance industry. High demand for this ingredient makes it a constant challenge for the industry to develop processes that can, at a low production cost per kg, allow for the consistent, sustainable and high-quality manufacturing of multi tones of this product. Hence, the Seeker is challenging scientists and technologists to come up with whole processes (from production to downstream processing) to meet this need. Please read the Detailed Description section to learn about the technical requirements that your proposed process should meet. The submission to the Challenge should include the following: 1. The detailed description of the proposed Solution addressing specific Technical Requirements presented in the Detailed Description of the Challenge. This description should be accompanied by a well-articulated rationale supported by literature/patent precedents. 2. Experimental data obtained as outlined in the Detailed Description of the Challenge (and/or delivery of a material sample of the product if requested by the Seeker). The Challenge award is contingent upon theoretical evaluation and experimental validation on a 15 L pilot scale of the submitted Solutions by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on August 18, 2016. Late submissions will not be considered.   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-18 10:53 IP:重庆
碳酸氢钠是预防初期牙龈炎的一种活性成分,它存在各种牙膏中。当碳酸氢钠高浓度存在于牙膏中,非常咸的味道会令人不愉快。 悬赏任务是,在高浓度碳酸氢钠牙膏中,寻找一种掩盖咸味道的技术。 悬赏截止时期2016年7月31日, 投标网址: Masking Salty Taste TAGS: Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry, Food/Agriculture, Life Sciences, RTP AWARD: See details | DEADLINE: 7/31/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 94 | POSTED: 5/05/16 Sodium bicarbonate is a salt that is used as an ingredient in various products for many applications across various industries. It has a particularly strong salty taste, hence in applications where it is ingested, the salty flavour is pronounced. That is the case in toothpastes, where the beneficial gum protection effect that sodium bicarbonate delivers is overshadowed by the unpleasant salty taste that is felt by consumers, making such toothpastes unpopular. Do you have a technology that can mask the salty taste and make it imperceptible in toothpastes? This is a Reduction-to-Practice Challenge that requires written documentation, experimental proof-of-concept data, and, if requested by the Seeker, sample delivery. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933826 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive RTP Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and   [更多]
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