佳佳妹 2014-08-27 09:48 IP:重庆
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Like2291 2019-04-16 10:07 IP:重庆
1、Atropine and scopolamine premedication – Pharmacological aspects and present use in Finland 2、Identification and purity test of heparin by NMR - a summary of two years' experience at the Medical Products Agency By: McEwen I; Amini A; Olofsson I M 3、Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, Rendiconti 4、49-12 Metabolic Fate of Triethylenetetramine dihydrochloride (Trientine hydrochloride, TJA-250) 1. Absorption, Distribution and Excretion in Rats after Single … S Takeda, E Ono, Y Matsuzaki… - Oyo Yakuri …, 1995 - [Sendai, Japan: Oyo Yakuri … 5、49-13 Metabolic Fate of Triethylenetetramine dihydrochloride (Trientine hydrochloride, TJA-250) 2. Metabolism study in Rats Using 14C-TJA 250 S Takeda, E Ono, Y Wakui… - Oyo Yakuri …, 1995 - [Sendai, Japan: Oyo Yakuri …   [更多]
Like2291 2019-07-25 11:23 IP:重庆
1、P. A. Prajapati and M. M. Patel, “Formulation and in vitro evaluation of atropine sulphate viscous ocular solutions for the mydriatic and cycloplegic effect,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 70–78, 2010. View at Google Scholar 2、D. S. Satya, K. P. Suria, and P. P. Muthu, “Advanced approaches and evaluation of ocular drug delivery system,” American Journal of PharmTech Research, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 72–92, 2011. View at Google Scholar 3、B. K. Nanjwade, D. B. Sonaje, and F. V. Manvi, “In vitro—in vivo release of ciprofloxacin from ophthalmic formulations,” International Journal of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23–28, 2011. View at Google Scholar 4、Physicochemical properties and stability of nicorandil By Nagai, Hiroshi; Koizumi, Ikue; Haneda, Masatoshi; Imai, Toshikatsu; Kikuchi, Mineo; Shiba, Motoharu From Iyakuhin Kenkyu (1983), 14(6), 968-79. Language: Japanese, Database: CAPLUS 5、Sobean oil partially hydrogenated 最新德国药典   [更多]
jqming 2023-12-21 20:13 IP:未知
寻找SANOFI的聚苯乙烯磺酸钙散剂(商品名:盖利生)在中国上市时使用的中文说明书原件的pdf件一份,产品在不同时期的批准文号分别为H20120242、H20110175、H20070352.目前该产品在中国已停止上市。   [更多]
Like2291 2019-04-28 11:59 IP:重庆
1.Nakashima M, Morita J, Aizawa K. Pharamacokinetics and safety of tebipenem pivoxil fine granules, an oral carbapenem antibiotic, in healthy male volunteers. Jpn J Chemother. 2009;57(S–1):90–94 2.Baba S, Yamanaka N, Suzuki K, et al. Clinical efficacy, safety and PK-PD analysis of tebipenem pivoxil in a phase II clinical trial in otolaryngological infections. Jpn J Antibiot. 2009;62:155–177 3.Sunakawa K. Pharmacological properties and clinical performance of the novel oral carbapenem antimicrobial drug, “Tebipenem pivoxil” (Orapenem fine granules 10% for pediatric use). Jpn J Chemother. 2009;57:279–294 4.Yamanaka N, Furukawa M, Furuya, et al. Clinical efficacy of tebipenem pivoxil (ME1211), a novel oral carbapenem, in otolaryngological infections, a Phase II clinical trial (1). 45th Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother (ICAAC) 2005; Abstract L-577 5.Iwata S, Ouchi K, Iwata N, et al. An open clinical study of tebipenem pivoxil in children with bacterial pneumonia. Jpn J Chemother. 2009;57(S–1):137–150   [更多]
Like2291 2019-04-28 15:40 IP:重庆
1.丙氨酰谷氨酰胺及其注射液的研究开发 2.A prospective multicentre study on the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors and claudication symptoms in patients with peripheral artery disease (the IDOMENEO study). Cimminiello C, Arpaia G, Polo Friz H, Boracchi P, Marano G, Spezzigu G, Visonà A. Vasa. 2015 Sep;44(5):371-9. doi: 10.1024/0301-1526/a000456. 3.2013 International Conference on Materials Engineering, ICMEN 2013 4.Orientation of substitution in the aromatic series. XVIII. Sulfonation of phenol by chlorosulfonic acid in solvents 5.Mechanism of reaction of chlorosulfonic acid with some aromatic compounds 6.Arzneimittelforschung. 1982;32(3):248-51. In vitro--in vivo correlation, a time scaling problem? Basic considerations on in vitro dissolution testing. 7.Oral treatment with the Crataegus special extract WS 1442 inhibits cardiac hypertrophy in rats with DOCA-salt or aortic banding induced hypertension   [更多]
Like2291 2019-08-05 13:38 IP:重庆
1、Effect of probenecid or diet on tebipenem pivoxil tablets pharmacokinetics in healthy male volunteers; 2、Effect of diet on the pharmacokinetics of tebipenem pivoxil fine granules in healthy male volunteers; 3、Pharmacokinetics analysis of tebipenem pivoxil in a phase II clinical trial in otolaryngological infection 1、Pharmacokinetic properties of isosorbide-5-mononitrate under fasting and fed conditions in healthy male subjects. Jin C, Jeon JY, Im YJ, Jeong JA, Kim Y, Chae SW, Bentz J, Kumke T, Kim MG. 7.The control of myopia with atropine.   [更多]
Doris_huan 2019-05-05 14:31 IP:重庆
药智人才是最专业的医药产业招聘平台,与许多医药行业的知名企业都有合作,职位种类丰富,岗位更专业~ 赚取赏金规则: 1.免费注册/登录药智人才(https://job.yaozh.com/),上传简历: 简历完善度≥80 可获得10元赏金; 2.邀请朋友上传简历(无上限) 朋友上传简历完善度≥80 最高可获得10000元赏金; 3.简历完成后,并截图药智人才简历板块的完善度提交审核,并且备注药智人才的用户名/注册手机信息; 4.审核通过后,赏金会在3个工作日内审核,如提交后有删除简历的行为,视为作弊处理,对应赏金将会被冻结不予提现。 5.特别福利:简历完善后既有机会直接内推给名企噢~ 温馨提示: 1.如果疑问可以联系客服QQ:3413833812 2.一经发现求职者在上传简历期间有作弊等行为,药智人才将取消其赏金。 3.在法律允许的范围内,本活动一切解释权归药智人才   [更多]
happy196531 2017-08-18 15:29 IP:南京
文献名称: 1、 Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 印度化学学会杂志 1997 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 649 - 651 2、National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Chemical-Biological Coordination Center, Review. Vol. 5, Pg. 25, 1953. 3、Randomized, double-blind comparison of immediate-release omeprazole oral suspension versus intravenous cimetidine for the prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. 4、Ambroxol-induced immune hemolytic anemia (Guitard M1, Giannoli C, Bachet P, Vial T.) 5、Ambroxol(Reactions Weekly;1/13/2007, Issue 1134, p7) 要求: 1.需要下载到文献全文的PDF版本,以文献原始名称命名。 2.按照合格交稿的顺序,先到先得,一篇文章可以获得10元奖励   [更多]
Like2291 2019-11-08 09:46 IP:重庆
1、Nimesulide - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, a preferential cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor 【出处】Vutreshni bolesti. 2000;32(1):33-6. 2、Bioequivalence study between two slow release batches ofindapamide SR 1.5 mg with different dissolution pro- files after repeated oral administration over 7 days in 12 healthy volunteers: a randomised double blind cross over study. Fulmer Hall, UK: Servier, 1993. Report No.: NP 910 3、Schiavi P, Jochemsen R, Hiley M, et al. Pharmacokinetics ofslow and immediate release formulations of indapamide after single oral administration under fasting conditions and after food, in healthy volunteers. Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 1996; Spe- cial Issue: 42 4、找一篇97年的政策法规文件,标题:国家医药管理局国药字(97)253号文件 5、Higuchi T, Murasaki M, Kamijima K. Clinical evaluation of duloxetine in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Jpn J Clin Psychopharmacol 2009;12:1613-1634   [更多]
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