lyj19721101 2015-05-14 17:30 IP:马鞍山
阿斯利康提出需求:在大多数的慢性肾脏疾病的情况下有关肾小球滤过屏障功能受损的研究。缺少良好的肾小球体外模型,就不能在细胞学和病理学的范畴详细理解肾小球的功能。 阿斯利康正在寻找方法来开发一个肾小球模型系统。理想情况下,体外模型应该包含一个独立的微型药学单元,有适当的介质,流体流动和所受压力。可以调整模拟体内黏膜所需条件属性,最终建立形成一个功能肾小球滤过屏障。 具体看下面内容: majority of all cases of chronic kidney disease, a key research area within AstraZeneca, originate in the glomerulus when filtration barrier function is compromised. However, a detailed cellular understanding of the functioning and pathology of the glomerulus has been limited by the lack of good in vitro models of glomerular function. AstraZeneca is looking for approaches to develop a glomerular model system. Ideally, the in vitro model should incorporate a self-contained microphysiological unit where biologically appropriate media, fluid flow and shear stress can be modulated to simulate in vivo properties that will ultimately recapitulate the conditions necessary for endothelial and podocyte cell types to form a functional glomerular filtration barrier. This is an ideation challenge and only requires a written solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933748 Challenge Overview The majority of all cases of chronic kidney disease, a key research area within AstraZeneca, originate in the glomerulus when filtration barrier is compromised. The coordinated efforts of the podocytes and endothelium together with their underlying basement membrane establish the glomerular filtration barrier and injury to these cells can lead to loss of kidney function. There are currently no human in vitro models that mimic a functional or diseased glomerulus. Development of a human glomerular filtration barrier biomimetic system will thus address gaps in in vitro models for simulating human kidney disease, toxicity and DMPK. We are looking for innovative approaches to developing a glomerular model that incorporates a self-contained microphysiological unit, ideally including podocytes, the endothelium, and   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-06-10 16:43 IP:马鞍山
不能控制其发作的癫痫猝死(SUDEP)是导致年轻人死亡的主要原因。每年超过千分之一的癫痫患者死于猝死,如果是不受控制的癫痫发作,风险会增加一百五十分之一。一种普遍恐惧的意识和持续受到的歧视导致太多的人隐藏自己的癫痫病情而没有接受持续治疗或寻求更有效的治疗方法。这增加了他们癫痫猝死的风险 癫痫基金会帮助机构决心改变这种状况,开展一个创意的宣传活动,鼓励人们寻求最佳的癫痫发作和癫痫发作控制和教育他们自己和他们的家庭以及他们如何可以减轻癫痫猝死的风险。此外,这个活动应该邀请更广泛的医疗保健社区讨论SUDEP,明白不接受持续发作的重要性,并寻找一种更有效的治疗方法。具体(如下 TAGS: Global Health, Business/Entrepreneurship, Life Sciences, Scientific American, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 7/13/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 12 | POSTED: 6/09/15 Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the leading cause of death in young adults who have epilepsy and cannot control their seizures. Each year, more than 1 out of 1,000 people with epilepsy die from SUDEP, and, if seizures are uncontrolled, the risk increases to more than 1 out of 150. A widespread lack of awareness and ongoing fear and discrimination lead too many individuals to hide their epilepsy and to accept ongoing seizures instead of seeking out more effective treatments. This increases their risk of SUDEP. The Epilepsy Foundation SUDEP Institute is determined to change this and is challenging Solvers to come up with ideas for a creative advocacy campaign that encourages people with seizures and epilepsy to seek optimal seizure control and to educate themselves and their families about SUDEP and how they can mitigate its risks. In addition, the campaign should invite the broader health care community to talk about SUDEP, understand the importance of not accepting ongoing seizures, and pursue all effective treatment options. Can you help us to demystify seizures and epilepsy, and empower people with epilepsy? This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution.   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-11-13 19:14 IP:马鞍山
单人中标 赏金分配: $ 15000 截止日期:2014年12月4日 已有提案:75件 发布时间:2014年11月4日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求: 研究人员想要一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症。许多中枢神经系统的临床适应症NK3拮抗剂已经被考虑,如精神分裂症的治疗和药物成瘾的治疗。研究人员对NK3拮抗剂可以忍受的适应症,或其已知的药理作用特别感兴趣。最近的研究表明,有一种随着NK-3拮抗剂作用而降低的性激素的适应症。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月4日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症 3、在这个网站上投稿:New Disease Indications for NK3 (Tachykinin Receptor 3) Antagonists | InnoCentive Challenge   [更多]
wrg7409 2011-10-12 13:58 IP:威海
  因公司发展需要,急需甲钴胺的大生产或中试后的生产工艺,要求能批量得到合格的产品,符合国家药品标准,步骤在两步之内,最好从VB12开始做,价格好商量,公司和个人合作都可!   [更多]
gonggong 2011-10-31 21:37 IP:重庆
寻求常温结晶法生产高稳定性过碳酸钠 工业纯碱和双氧水加入内稳定剂,温度在15~30℃之间反应生成过碳酸钠。 目前工艺难度: (1)产品圆整度、硬度不好; (2)收率低; (3)稳定性差。急需解决。 预期达到技术、经济指标: 1、产品外观颗粒大小均匀、圆整度、硬度好。 2、稳定性等指标符合行业标准。 3、收率:碱0.72kg/kg产品,H2O2:1.2kg(27.5%)/kg产品。   [更多]
gonggong 2011-12-31 21:55 IP:重庆
一、糠醛两步法生产工艺研究 糠醛是一种重要的化工原料,具有广阔的应用前景。目前,我公司生产糠醛主要采用一步法生产,一步法蒸汽消耗量大,一般吨醛消耗蒸汽18~25t,且该法糠醛收率最高只有6O%,原料得不到充分利用,并产生大量的废渣。随着糠醛工业的发展,以及原料综合利用要求的提高,发展两步法糠醛生产工艺,分离原料中的纤维素和半纤维素并分别加以利用,是糠醛工业的必然发展趋势,但是两步法工艺较为复杂,设备投资高,第二步脱水工艺条件不十分成熟, 因此公司希望可以与其他单位合作,共同研究糠醛两步法生产工艺,以达到提高收率,抑制生成的糠醛发生副反应,并提高原料综合利用率。 二、糠醛生产中纤维素的深度开发 1、生物基材料---糠醛生产中纤维素的深度开发; 2、二氧化硫脲漂白高岭土的应用技术; 3、二氧化硫脲在靛蓝印染上的应用 三、糠醛渣制造生物柴油深度开发研究 我公司水解釜排出来的废渣,经过锅炉烟道气流化干燥后直接进入锅炉去燃烧。锅炉燃烧所产生的烟道气经旋风除尘,湿法脱硫,硫化干燥水解废渣,最后再进入高空烟囱排放。但是由于糠醛渣含水率高,发热值低,燃烧处理时利用率较低。因此,糠醛渣深度开发、有效利用成为糠醛生产企业的一大难题。 由于生物柴油具有优良的环保特性,良好的燃料性能,并具有可再生性,开发糠醛渣制造生物柴油新技术,解决企业糠醛渣废固利用,增加效益,提升企业技术水平和经济效益。 因此公司希望可以与其他单位合作,共同研发布   [更多]
xjhww淘 2017-01-23 10:42 IP:重庆
求购药品电子监管码,即药品包装上的条形码,是药品的商品条码,以下为具体要求: 1.基本包含所有国内上市药品和药品的全套信息,包括:每类药品的所有厂家,每个厂家不同的剂型和不同包装规格的条形码 2.提供格式以EXCEL电子版本格式   [更多]
xiaomaguohe 2015-05-25 10:20 IP:济南
合理的大生产工艺即可或中试工艺   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-27 15:01 IP:马鞍山
抑制细胞外神经信号的作用可以通过抑制受体或去除配位体来产生。我们需要一个实例或证据来证明抑制受体和损耗配体是怎么阻断信号的,比如可以变构小分子或大分子或竞争性抑制。具体看下面链接: AWARD: $20,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/25/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 19 | POSTED: 1/26/15 Inhibition of extracellular signaling can occur through an inhibition of a receptor or removal of a ligand. What evidence is there that one method of inhibition is more efficient or efficacious than the other at blocking signaling? The Seeker is specifically looking for well-supported examples of receptor/ligand inhibition where both methods of inhibition exist. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933720 Challenge Overview Inhibition of extracellular neuronal signaling can occur through the inhibition of a receptor or removal of a ligand. What evidence is there (or lack of) that one method of inhibition (inhibition of the receptor versus depletion of the ligand) is more efficient or efficacious than the other at blocking signaling? Inhibition can be allosteric or competitive, small molecule or large molecule. The Seeker is specifically looking for well-supported examples of receptor/ligand inhibition where both methods of inhibition exist. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on February 25, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered.   [更多]
13815927572ph633 2019-10-24 15:23 IP:未知
我公司拟生产如下产品:医用棉签,医用薄膜手套,医用绷带,医用棉球,一次性口罩,一次性帽子,一次性使用止血带,一次性使用引流袋,一次性使用负压引流袋,液体敷料,医用冷敷贴。 如有全套备案资料者请联系。   [更多]
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