zjsswgcxh 2012-06-07 14:06 IP:杭州
  长期吸收转化“体外诊断试剂”新技术与新产品,欢迎与本学会秘书处联系 长期吸收转化“体外诊断试剂”新技术与新产品,欢迎与本学会秘书处联系洽谈,电话0571-88035953,邮箱guglezhang@gmail.com。   [更多]
jueyuanren5 2012-09-08 14:22 IP:大连
周氏家传五代硬伤秘方 1 接骨 。适用范围:经过手术复位或固定的任何骨折,1-3天疼痛明显缓解,一般的骨折10天即可愈合,粉碎性骨折15-20天愈合,老少皆适用,治愈率百分之百,药后可拍片验证。 药理:骨折处快速生成骨痂,消肿止痛活血化瘀。 2 腰间盘突出:2-4天疼痛显着减轻,轻度突出患者10-15天即可,重度或压迫神经者需20-30天即能达到生活自理,活动自如。在此过程中患者需要配合休养三个月左右,切忌过度体力劳动。药后可拍片验证,治愈率百分之九十八以上。 3 坐骨神经痛:十日之内皆可治愈,治愈率百分之百。 4 附带治疗:腰 腿 肩 肘 颈 等部位的疼痛。 服药禁忌:孕妇及哺乳期妇女禁服。(患者服用本药时可以停止其他任何此类药物) 以上秘方完全纯中药可制剂也可做胶囊,疗效可以验证。   [更多]
qianjin 2012-08-27 10:56 IP:重庆
千金药业股份有限公司现求购各类新药项目,项目要求如下: 1、中药品种 要求6类或6类以上新药,成熟品种优先考虑;领域不限,以妇科、儿科、骨伤科、心脑血管、准字号洗液等优先考虑。 2、化药品种 化学药物以妇科、儿科领域或大市场(心脑血管、消化系统、抗肿瘤、呼吸系统等)品种优先考虑。 联系人 向老师:156-7339-9765 邮箱:qjyy05@163.com 株洲千金药业股份有限公司 研发部 株洲千金药业股份有限公司简介 株洲千金药业股份有限公司,前身为株洲市中药厂,1993年进行股份制改造,2004年上市(股票代码:600479),2005年,“千金”商标被认定为中国驰名商标。千金药业系国家大中型中药制药企业。旗下拥有九家控股子公司。 千金药业注册资本3.05亿元,总资产11.35亿元,净资产9.38亿元。(截止到2011年底止)经济效益综合指标在湖南省医药行业同行中排名第一,位居国内中药行业前列。 公司拥有国内最大、工艺最成熟的中药片剂生产线,日产量为1200万片,年产量可达35亿片。硬件装备先进,达到国内领先水平。2009年12月,位于河西天元区栗雨工业园的千金女性健康产业基地正式投产,该基地建设属国家高新技术产业项目,占地200亩,达产规模30亿元。 公司专注于女性健康产业,已形成女性健康系列产品。公司现有片剂、颗粒剂、硬胶囊剂等八个剂型,十三条生产线,全部通过GMP认证。主要产品有:妇科千金片(胶囊)、补血益母颗粒、养阴清肺糖浆、千金椿乳凝胶、痛经宁糖浆(胶囊)、乳癖康胶囊、妇科调经片、千金宁洗液、千金止带丸、八珍益母片、加味逍遥丸、乳泉颗粒等。 公司现有14个独家产品,近50个生产批文,拥有各项专利206件。其中妇科千金片(胶囊)连续十年保持了妇科口服消炎类中成药第一品牌地位,其核心技术获得国家秘密技术保护;“千金” 商标被认定为中国驰名商标;公司现有19个国家医保目录品种,8个国家基本药物目录品种。主导产品妇科千金片(胶囊)是国家基本药物目录妇科炎症类唯一入选中成药,国家中药保护品种,国家医保甲类品种,载入2005版中国药典,被科技部列为国家保密品种。独家品种补血益母颗粒入选2009版国家医保目录,断红饮胶囊等多个产品进入多个省的医保目录。 公司“十二五”战略目标是:成为女性健康领域标杆企业,成为中药衍生领域品牌企业;实现集团公司年销售收入达50亿元;实现员工收入增长翻番;使千金药业成为“快乐千金”、“和谐千金”、“富裕千金”和“品牌千金”。   [更多]
yanyan1989 2012-10-18 13:46 IP:长春
本单位想买保健食品批件,要求为该批件为双歧杆菌胶囊制剂的生产批件。价格电话联系,联系电话:18704486181。联系人:高明艳   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-27 16:37 IP:重庆
实验室拟邀请4位研究人员进行他们的研究项目。研究地点是在位于西班牙的葛兰素史克公司的药物开发园。研究人员的生活费,旅游资金,住宿费和研究所花的耗材成本皆由实验室承担。4个研究项目,每一个都有16万美元的预算。任务要求:需要有疟疾病,肺结核病和动质体疾病(南美锥虫病,利什曼病,昏睡病)等领域的开放性的研究。这项挑战的优胜者请直接联系实验室,以便根据他们的反馈和指导,做出更全面的考虑。这是一项寻找合作伙伴的任务,要求提交一份书面企划书以做评估。 Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation: Proposals for Neglected Diseases Research TAGS: Developing Countries, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Life Sciences, Food/Agriculture, Nature, Global Health, Computer Science/Information Technology, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Public Good, eRFP AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 10/29/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 92 | POSTED: 9/17/12 The Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation intends to invite up to 4 Solvers to conduct their research projects using the facilities and resources of GlaxoSmithKline’s Tres Cantos Medicines Development Campus in Spain. Researcher subsistence, travel, accommodation & consumable costs can be covered by the Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation. Four research projects are budgeted for, each having a maximum funding of $160,000. Proposals for groundbreaking research in the areas of malarial disease, tuberculosis and kinetoplastid diseases (Chagas Disease, Leishmaniasis or Sleeping Sickness) are required. The winners of this challenge will be contacted directly by the Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation in order to make more comprehensive proposals based on their feedback and guidance. This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge; the Solver will only need to submit a written proposal to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a collaborative partnership. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933167 Challenge Overview Are you a researcher who would like to spend from 6 to 24 months at the world class facilities of the open lab at GSK’s Tres Cantos Medicines Development Campus in Spain carrying out research that will positively impact the lives of people in the developing world? Funding for up to 4 research projects totaling up to $160,000   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-26 16:46 IP:重庆
寻找一个有经验的会不锈钢金属蚀刻技术的合作伙伴。要求该合作伙伴精通蚀刻工艺的精度控制,并且具备大规模的生产能力,能在未来起到重要作用。 这是一项寻找合作伙伴的任务,要求提交一份关于建立合作伙伴关系的书面建议书。 Precise Chemical Metal Etching AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 11/09/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 6 | POSTED: 9/25/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933182 Type: eRFP Detailed Description & Requirements Background The Seeker has a product whose parts are made by the precise chemical etching of thin Stainless Steel sheets. Stainless steel etching is not very common for precision parts because the requirements are usually too strict for the etching techniques due to underetching. The Seeker has pushed the limits of the metal etching process and has developed processes that potentially work for their application. The Seeker is now looking for partners who can do precision SS etching to potentially become suppliers of parts that will number in the hundreds of millions per year in total. The partner will have developed their own specialized etching technique to make the structures required. The Challenge and Opportunity We are seeking companies which are specialized in chemical metal etching of stainless sheet steel (~200 – 300 ?m thickness). The desired partner should be able to produce the structures on the template below using an etching technique. (Note: For easier viewing, a larger copy of the drawing is attached to this Challenge.) We do not expect the Solvers to actually produce the template structures for this Challenge, but show that they have the skills and equipment to potentially produce the structures. If selected as a potential partner by the Seeker after the Challenge, then you will be asked to produce the structures directly for the Seeker. The template is not the actual part of interest, but the Seeker is confident if you can reproduce the template, then it will translate to making the part. Figure 1- Etching Structure Template It should absolutely be clear that when using an etching technique, the   [更多]
huli808 2012-10-11 15:04 IP:长春
本人需要新版GMP认证全套资料模板(含多组份生化药),有资料者请与我联系,谢谢!   [更多]
huli808 2012-09-12 09:12 IP:长春
本人需要左氧针剂灭菌温度变更补充申请资料,有意向的人请与我联系   [更多]
taideng 2012-10-28 15:00 IP:重庆
     药智网旗下的35医药网是国内知名的医药招商平台,是全国药交易会(国药励展主办)是合作媒体,现网站准备加第68届全国药品交易会进行宣传推广。      第68届全国药品交易会将于2012年12月4-6日在广州琶洲国际会展中心同期同地举办。 现招募学生参加药智网的现场宣传推广。时间12月4-6,三天时间,早上9点到下午5点。 本次活动要招募约20名学生,所以希望您不光是自己报名,还希望您能拉上您的同学一块参加,工作主要就是在展会现场举牌宣传网站、散发传单,工作轻松,2-3天时间,如有愿意者请投标。并留下联系电话。 如果能组织10名以上同学参加最好。   [更多]
changxin 2012-11-21 11:03 IP:重庆
一家全球性的公司正在寻找一项创新的下一代DNA测序技术来进行合作开发,公司可以和合作伙伴共同开发这项新的技术或者帮助伙伴申请许可。要求关于这个创新技术能有一个详细的说明,并且可以运用任何数据来支持这个新的技术。保证至少会奖励一名合格者。 征稿件请直接上传网址:https://www.innocentive.com” Partnering to Develop the NEXT DNA Sequencing Technology TAGS: Food/Agriculture, Nature, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Global Health, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 12/19/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 21 | POSTED: 11/19/12 The Seeker is a global company looking for truly novel ‘Next Generation Sequencing’ technologies that it can help to co-develop or in-license. A description of the technology is required, along with any existing data to support proof-of-concept. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Detailed Description & Requirements Background Next Generation Sequencing technologies have revolutionized the field of genomic studies – entire genomes can now be accurately sequenced in about a day and with only a few skilled manual steps. The speed and resolution of NGS technologies enables rapid tests to diagnose either infectious or inherited diseases as well as truly personalized medicine, where therapies are selected or optimized based on the patient’s DNA sequence. The Seeker wishes to identify concepts for novel NGS technologies and partners who can collaborate with the Seeker to develop those technologies. The Seeker is a truly global company with a multimillion US dollar annual R&D spend. The Problem A diverse array of NGS technology platforms are commercially available. The Seeker does not wish to use established, or commercially available, NGS technologies. Instead, they wish to partner with researchers, startup companies or universities to develop THE NEXT NGS technology. The technology you propose should be patentable or embody intellectual property owned by you or the institution you represent. The Solution The Seeker wishes to understand the concept of the proposed sequencing technology   [更多]
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