lyj19721101 2014-12-23 13:16 IP:马鞍山
目前,科学家们只能很有限的预测药物不同配方的生物利用度。尽管有广阔的临床前数据的药物,我们利用已知的分子性质和制剂在体内的数据并不能完全预测到药物的溶解性能,使得药品在体内部分的变化引起整个研究项目的变化。需求者对两种配方的10个不同的药物分子已经收集了大量在体外和体内的数据,现在寻求一种模型,能够使用体外数据和仅有的的物化性质预测不同制剂在体内的性能。具体如下:( The Seeker is looking for ideas on how to use a variety of properties of molecules, and simple laboratory tests on different formulations to predict the change in a drug’s pharmacokinetic performance in biological systems resulting from different formulations. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933559 Challenge Overview Currently, scientists possess a limited ability to predict the bioavailability of different formulations of drugs despite vast pre-clinical data for the drugs. Utilizing measured properties of molecules and the dissolution performance of formulations to predict in vivo data is complex, and made more so by the inherent variability of in vivo data due partly to the variability of the test subjects. The Seeker has collected a significant amount of in vitro and in vivo data for two formulations each of 10 different molecules and would like Solvers to present ideas on how to use the in vitro data and simple molecular descriptors to predict the in vivo performance of different formulations. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be paid to the best submission(s) as solely determined by the Seeker. The total payout will be $15,000, with at least one award being no smaller than $5,000 and no award being smaller than $1,000. Submission forwarding occurs during the Challenge. Since submissions will be forwarded to the Seeker throughout the Challenge, please make sure you upload only a finished proposal. You can submit an updated version of your proposal only as a new submission. If you submit an updated version of your proposal,   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-05-14 17:09 IP:马鞍山
肾近端小管是肾单位的一部分(肾脏的功能部件),是人体高专属性参与重吸收和排泄各种物质(包括盐和矿物质)的器官,盐和矿物质的重吸收对身体是非常重要的,否则会失去在尿液中。此外,肾近端小管对许多药物的处理也是至关重要的,所谓的外源性物质,来自外面的身体和环境(如许多人造物质,包括潜在的毒素)。然而,没有好的体外模型可以描述和模仿肾近端小管的功能。建立肾近端小管一个有力的模型是非常必要的,特别是在肾近端小管在药物的相互影响方面有至关重要的作用,因为它是会由于药物毒性和药物之间的作用而非常容易受到伤害导致肾脏疾病。在体外开发肾近端小管模型的系统可以帮助填补肾脏疾病研究中药物毒性和药物处理方面的一些空白。 具体看 The proximal tubule, a part of the kidney nephron (the functional unit of the kidney), has highly specialized properties to do with the salvage and excretion of various compounds, salts and minerals that are very important to the body and would otherwise be lost in the urine. In addition, the proximal tubule is essential for the handling of many drugs and so-called xenobiotics that come from outside the body and from the environment (e.g., many artificial substances, including potential toxins). However, there are no good human models in vitro that can recapitulate and reproduce the function of the proximal tubule. A robust model for the proximal tubule is needed, especially since the proximal tubule has an essential role in drug clearance, because it is highly susceptible to damage in many kidney diseases, and it is also a target for drug-drug interactions and drug toxicity. Development of a proximal tubule model system in vitro could help to address some of the gaps in laboratory models for the study of kidney disease, toxicity, and drug handling. AstraZeneca is seeking innovative approaches to developing a model system of the proximal tubule in vitro. Ideally, the model should incorporate a self-contained microphysiological unit in which biologically appropriate media, fluid flow, and shear stress can be modulated to reproduce the properties of the proximal tubule in vivo and ultimately recapitulate the structural and cellular conditions necessary for integrated proximal tubular function. This is an ideation challenge and only requires a written solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID:   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-05-14 17:30 IP:马鞍山
阿斯利康提出需求:在大多数的慢性肾脏疾病的情况下有关肾小球滤过屏障功能受损的研究。缺少良好的肾小球体外模型,就不能在细胞学和病理学的范畴详细理解肾小球的功能。 阿斯利康正在寻找方法来开发一个肾小球模型系统。理想情况下,体外模型应该包含一个独立的微型药学单元,有适当的介质,流体流动和所受压力。可以调整模拟体内黏膜所需条件属性,最终建立形成一个功能肾小球滤过屏障。 具体看下面内容: majority of all cases of chronic kidney disease, a key research area within AstraZeneca, originate in the glomerulus when filtration barrier function is compromised. However, a detailed cellular understanding of the functioning and pathology of the glomerulus has been limited by the lack of good in vitro models of glomerular function. AstraZeneca is looking for approaches to develop a glomerular model system. Ideally, the in vitro model should incorporate a self-contained microphysiological unit where biologically appropriate media, fluid flow and shear stress can be modulated to simulate in vivo properties that will ultimately recapitulate the conditions necessary for endothelial and podocyte cell types to form a functional glomerular filtration barrier. This is an ideation challenge and only requires a written solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933748 Challenge Overview The majority of all cases of chronic kidney disease, a key research area within AstraZeneca, originate in the glomerulus when filtration barrier is compromised. The coordinated efforts of the podocytes and endothelium together with their underlying basement membrane establish the glomerular filtration barrier and injury to these cells can lead to loss of kidney function. There are currently no human in vitro models that mimic a functional or diseased glomerulus. Development of a human glomerular filtration barrier biomimetic system will thus address gaps in in vitro models for simulating human kidney disease, toxicity and DMPK. We are looking for innovative approaches to developing a glomerular model that incorporates a self-contained microphysiological unit, ideally including podocytes, the endothelium, and   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-06-10 16:43 IP:马鞍山
不能控制其发作的癫痫猝死(SUDEP)是导致年轻人死亡的主要原因。每年超过千分之一的癫痫患者死于猝死,如果是不受控制的癫痫发作,风险会增加一百五十分之一。一种普遍恐惧的意识和持续受到的歧视导致太多的人隐藏自己的癫痫病情而没有接受持续治疗或寻求更有效的治疗方法。这增加了他们癫痫猝死的风险 癫痫基金会帮助机构决心改变这种状况,开展一个创意的宣传活动,鼓励人们寻求最佳的癫痫发作和癫痫发作控制和教育他们自己和他们的家庭以及他们如何可以减轻癫痫猝死的风险。此外,这个活动应该邀请更广泛的医疗保健社区讨论SUDEP,明白不接受持续发作的重要性,并寻找一种更有效的治疗方法。具体(如下 TAGS: Global Health, Business/Entrepreneurship, Life Sciences, Scientific American, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 7/13/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 12 | POSTED: 6/09/15 Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the leading cause of death in young adults who have epilepsy and cannot control their seizures. Each year, more than 1 out of 1,000 people with epilepsy die from SUDEP, and, if seizures are uncontrolled, the risk increases to more than 1 out of 150. A widespread lack of awareness and ongoing fear and discrimination lead too many individuals to hide their epilepsy and to accept ongoing seizures instead of seeking out more effective treatments. This increases their risk of SUDEP. The Epilepsy Foundation SUDEP Institute is determined to change this and is challenging Solvers to come up with ideas for a creative advocacy campaign that encourages people with seizures and epilepsy to seek optimal seizure control and to educate themselves and their families about SUDEP and how they can mitigate its risks. In addition, the campaign should invite the broader health care community to talk about SUDEP, understand the importance of not accepting ongoing seizures, and pursue all effective treatment options. Can you help us to demystify seizures and epilepsy, and empower people with epilepsy? This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution.   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-11-13 19:14 IP:马鞍山
单人中标 赏金分配: $ 15000 截止日期:2014年12月4日 已有提案:75件 发布时间:2014年11月4日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求: 研究人员想要一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症。许多中枢神经系统的临床适应症NK3拮抗剂已经被考虑,如精神分裂症的治疗和药物成瘾的治疗。研究人员对NK3拮抗剂可以忍受的适应症,或其已知的药理作用特别感兴趣。最近的研究表明,有一种随着NK-3拮抗剂作用而降低的性激素的适应症。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月4日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种小分子拮抗剂NK 3(神经激肽受体3,也被称为速激肽受体3)新的临床适应症 3、在这个网站上投稿:New Disease Indications for NK3 (Tachykinin Receptor 3) Antagonists | InnoCentive Challenge   [更多]
bjcczl 2016-07-18 14:47 IP:漯河
一、中药保健品类:中草药营养保健食品和用品、药膳、植物提取物等各种中医治疗保健器具等; 二、中药饮品类:保健饮料、植物饮料、保健茶、保健酒、营养保健汤、口服液等相关中药饮品等; 三、中药日化类:牙膏、洗发水、沐浴露、护肤品、香皂、美容美发产品、化妆品、洗涤用品、生殖健康护 理用品、女性健康护理卫生用品以及其它个人护理类日化用品等; 四、中药饮片类:补虚饮片、补气饮片、补阳饮片、补阴饮片、补血饮片、汉方OTC等;   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-12-18 12:55 IP:马鞍山
我们对治疗克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎的新的机理和作用点感兴趣,这些可能包括,但不限于,接近病灶或调节菌群,代谢,遗传,后天产生的抗体。新治疗方法可能包括,但不限于,疫苗,基因治疗,和小分子化合物,而免疫抑制除外。理想的途径是先找到IBD发病新机理,再转化为一种治疗新的方法。具体如下:( Novel Treatment Approaches to Cure Inflammatory Bowel Diseases TAGS: Nature, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/16/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 21 | POSTED: 12/16/14 The Seeker for this Challenge desires proposals describing potential approaches for curing Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The Seeker is interested in novel mechanisms of action that specifically address the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). These may include, but are not limited to, approaches targeting or modulating the microbiota, metabolism, genetic, and epigenetic targets. Platforms may involve, but are not limited to, vaccines, gene therapy, and small molecule compounds. The Seeker is not interested in immunosuppression. Desirable approaches are specifically relevant to the pathogenesis of IBD and can be translated into a cure. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. In addition to the Challenge award, the Seeker is open to establishing potential collaborations with the winning Solver(s) to further investigate proposed mechanisms with the eventual goal of developing a cure for IBD. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933446 Challenge Overview The Seeker for this Challenge desires proposals for novel approaches that specifically address the causes of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) to enable the development of a cure. The Seeker is interested in unique ideas and new approaches (including gene delivery techniques), but is not interested in approaches that are simply common targets for various immunological conditions. That is, the approach must be specifically relevant to the pathogenesis of IBD and can be translated into a cure. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has   [更多]
gonggong 2011-10-31 22:05 IP:重庆
一、2,2-双二苯基膦-1,1-联萘的制备技术 技术难题:2,2-双二苯基膦-1,1-联萘的制备技术。解决技术难题要求达到的技术目标:纯度大于98%,外观为白色固体,总收率大于60%。   [更多]
364804650zyx 2018-10-07 22:24 IP:重庆
由于个人精力原因,先急需转让一家医药连锁公司,公司有10多家门店,有160万库存,有完整的团队,接收可经营。   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-24 14:20 IP:马鞍山
这是高速度的药物API的片剂压制的一个主要问题。活性药物成分在压冲过程中的冲头被粘住而使片剂重量和剂量有所损失产生不同。我们寻找一种计算片剂压片机高速冲头上剂量和重量损失的模型,用以改进片剂工艺。具体请看下面英文描述: AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/22/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 9 | POSTED: 1/23/15 Solid dosage forms (e.g. tablets) are the preferred dosage unit for pharmaceutical products. These units are produced by compressing particulate formulations. A major problem in the high speed pressing of tablet formulations of pharmaceutical API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) is they sometimes tend to stick to the punches during the compression process. This causes weight loss defects in the tablets and thus costly manufacturing defects during production. A model is required to predict sticking of formulations in high speed presses to prevent losses in production. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933670 Challenge Overview Tablets are the main dosage form of choice for medicines. They have manufactured by compressing formulations which may consist of blended powders or granules. A major problem in the high speed pressing of tablet formulations of new medicines is they sometimes tend to stick to the surfaces of compaction equipment. This causes tablet weight and hence dose reduction and thus costly manufacturing defects during production. The phenomenon is frequently only observed on scale up due to the lengthy run times at large scale and is difficult to reproduce at smaller scales. New models (or partial model concepts) are required to improve the overall modeling of “stickiness” in tablet compression and predict the extent beforehand. Suggestions for improvements to either process route or equipment or to formulation ingredients to prevent sticking from the models are also desired. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be   [更多]
  • 安全可靠,先验收再正式付款
  • 性价比超高,节省一半费用
  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
