happyjingjing 2015-03-04 16:04 IP:重庆
求SCI催化衍生生成技术,需应用SCI催化衍生生成技术,逐步提高SCI规模化产能的能力。能提供该需求的请联系本中心!   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-03-03 15:39 IP:重庆
普那霉素(Pristinamycin)又名原始美素,号称“人类对付致病菌的最后一道屏障”,是继万古霉素、替考拉宁之后的抗多重耐药菌的抗生素。我司正在寻求发酵产量在1500 单位/升以上的普那霉素发酵技术,希望技术供方可以提供包括菌种及整套工艺控制流程的技术转让服务。   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-02-26 17:34 IP:重庆
公司目前配备了专业的十人左右的研发团队,公司对研发投入也较为支持,由于我公司多年生产三类输注类的医疗器械,具备相关的机器设备和工作环境。 预期达到的目标:通过相对简易的技术,实现检测动脉血气针中抗凝素含量的技术。 拟采取的研究方法和技术路线:希望与有关专家及有这方面工作经验的人员达成紧密型及长远型的合作关系,共同努力,最终达到双赢的目的。   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-02-25 17:06 IP:重庆
我司主要产品有枸橼酸锌片、黄连上清片、三黄片、复方丹参片、六味地黄胶囊、金海龙胶囊等品种。公司建有中药材处理、固体制剂、原料药三个生产车间,具有年提取中药材6000吨,生产片剂、丸剂、硬胶囊剂60亿片(粒)的生产能力。公司的固体制剂车间、中药材前处理及提取车间、原料药车间于2005年通过国家食品药品监督管理局GMP认证。 现我司有技术需求描述如下:中药材的种植、栽培技术,田间管理及产品收获干燥技术,中药材规范化种植技术(GAP)等。保证中药材能够得到合理的利用,控制中药材种植和使用风险。 能提供相关技术者请跟本中心联系   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-02-14 11:16 IP:马鞍山
静脉注射的优点就是快速静脉注射药物的分布在整个身体。通常,这些药物总是快速代谢,快速排出,导致短期的临床疗效。大家可以从微丸持续释放显效得皮启发。具体看链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933723 Intravenous delivery allows for the rapid distribution of injected drugs from the veins throughout the entire body. Oftentimes, these drugs are quickly metabolized and excreted resulting in short durations of clinical efficacy. Certain therapies may benefit from a bolus followed by sustained release. The Seeker wishes to identify a technology to sustain the delivery of a human high dose intravenous drug from a single injection administered over a period of 15 to 30 minutes. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933723 Challenge Overview An intravenous sustained drug delivery technology is desired for a high dose drug that needs to be delivered over 8 to 10 hours. This intravenous sustained release delivery technology would allow a bolus of drug (approximately 40 to 60%) to be delivered quickly upon intravenous administration followed by the remaining dose (60 to 40%) delivered in a near zero order fashion from this intravenous administration over an 8 to 10 hour interval. This drug delivery technology needs to use materials that are already recognized as safe or can be easily qualified for parenteral administration in humans. This drug delivery technology should present no encumbrance to nurses administering the drug in a hospital setting. This technology should be amenable to delivering about 2 grams of a drug with an aqueous solubility of approximately 0.75 grams in 50 mL at 25°C and approximately 1 gram in 50 mL at 37°C during the 8 to 10 hour interval. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on March 21, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-02-06 13:34 IP:马鞍山
排行世界的第五大的制药公司寻找合作伙伴,要求提供多种大环结构药物与合成技术,寻找有关大环领域的新药发现。希望此公司提供化学详细的3 d模型。具体请链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933642 The Seeker, a top-five big pharma company, is looking for collaboration partners with expertise in the area of macrocycle drug discovery. Specifically, three key areas are of interest: Chemistry partners with access to diverse macrocyclic structures & synthetic expertise In-silico chemistry partners with access to high-throughput 3-D models suitable for macrocycles In-vitro ADME experts with access to membrane systems, beyond PAMPA and Caco-2 This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge. The Solver will write a preliminary proposal (about 2–4 pages including contact information) to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a collaborative partnership. Upon completion of the evaluation, the Seeker may contact selected Solvers directly to work out terms for a collaboration contract. The monetary value of the contract will vary depending on the amount of work to be delivered and the time frame agreed upon.   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-24 14:20 IP:马鞍山
这是高速度的药物API的片剂压制的一个主要问题。活性药物成分在压冲过程中的冲头被粘住而使片剂重量和剂量有所损失产生不同。我们寻找一种计算片剂压片机高速冲头上剂量和重量损失的模型,用以改进片剂工艺。具体请看下面英文描述:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933670 AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/22/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 9 | POSTED: 1/23/15 Solid dosage forms (e.g. tablets) are the preferred dosage unit for pharmaceutical products. These units are produced by compressing particulate formulations. A major problem in the high speed pressing of tablet formulations of pharmaceutical API’s (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) is they sometimes tend to stick to the punches during the compression process. This causes weight loss defects in the tablets and thus costly manufacturing defects during production. A model is required to predict sticking of formulations in high speed presses to prevent losses in production. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933670 Challenge Overview Tablets are the main dosage form of choice for medicines. They have manufactured by compressing formulations which may consist of blended powders or granules. A major problem in the high speed pressing of tablet formulations of new medicines is they sometimes tend to stick to the surfaces of compaction equipment. This causes tablet weight and hence dose reduction and thus costly manufacturing defects during production. The phenomenon is frequently only observed on scale up due to the lengthy run times at large scale and is difficult to reproduce at smaller scales. New models (or partial model concepts) are required to improve the overall modeling of “stickiness” in tablet compression and predict the extent beforehand. Suggestions for improvements to either process route or equipment or to formulation ingredients to prevent sticking from the models are also desired. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-24 13:59 IP:马鞍山
寻找一种载体某些细胞或分子如蛋白质,DNA,RNA,和microRNA,用这些载体来制备高选择性的靶向药物,给药的方法是让药物化合物给药和输送到身体的病灶而达到治疗效果。具体的要求请看下面链接:https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933675 AWARD: $30,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/17/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 108 | POSTED: 1/16/15 Exosomes are membrane-bound vesicles that are produced by many, if not all cell types. Exosomes are able to selectively target certain cells and deliver molecules such as proteins, DNA, RNA, and microRNA. These vesicles are thought to have great potential for targeted drug delivery. The Seeker desires innovative methods for exosome drug loading without significant disruption of the membrane components and properties of the exosome. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933675 Challenge Overview Drug delivery is the method by which pharmaceutical compounds are administered and transported in the body to achieve therapeutic efficacy. Recently, exosomes have been identified as a novel method to deliver drugs in a targeted manner and their potential is derived from natural components such as specific proteins/lipids contained in the membrane of exosomes. Successful delivery of substantial amounts of therapeutic drugs using exosomes is critically dependent on a highly efficient and broadly applicable methodology for loading exosomes with the therapeutic agent, however at present no such technology is available. The Seeker is looking for one or more technologies that will facilitate exosome drug loading without significant disruption of the membrane components and properties of the exosome.   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-01-23 11:19 IP:重庆
资金规模:2000万元 技术要求:工业化成熟可靠的生产技术。有此产品生产 技术者请发产品可行性报告到我司; 中文别名: ;N,N-二甲基-4-氨基苯甲醛;4-(N,N-二甲基)氨基苯甲醛;4-二甲氨基苯甲醛;4-(二甲氨基)苯甲醛;对二甲胺基苯甲醛; 英文名称: 4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 英文别名: ;Ehrlichs;N,N-dimethyl-4-amino benzaldehyde;4-(N,N-Dimethyl)aminobenzaldehyde;p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde;4-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde;4-amino-2,3-dimethylbenzaldehyde;P-(Dimethylamino)benzaldehyde; EINECS号: 202-819-0 分子式: C9H11NO 分子量: 149.1897 InChI: InChI=1/C9H11NO/c1-6-7(2)9(10)4-3-8(6)5-11/h3-5H,10H2,1-2H3 密度: 1.097g/cm3 熔点: 70-75℃ 沸点: 305.7°C at 760 mmHg 闪点: 138.7°C 水溶性: 0.3 g/L (20℃)   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-01-22 10:39 IP:重庆
求助丙烯基乙醚的合成工艺,化合物CA登记号(CAS):928-55-2   [更多]
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