richard16 2016-05-23 10:55 IP:重庆
通常情况下,清洁假牙污渍,给假牙消毒是一系列费力又乏味的过程,如:取下假牙,用水冲洗,准备清洁剂,把假牙浸泡在清洁剂中,洗刷假牙,等等。 寻求一种高效清洁技术,能简化上述中一些复杂的过程,从而达到更高效的用户体验。如:把假牙放到清洁剂中,直接达到清洁的作用。 悬赏截止日期:2016年6月19日 投标网址: 原文: Challenge Overview Maintaining dentures clean, free from stains and disinfected, requires a number of laborious and tedious procedures when they are out of the mouth. Removing the denture, rinsing the denture, preparing a cleaning solution, soaking and brushing the denture, are all tasks that have to be repeatedly performed and that consumers find cumbersome. A great improvement for consumer experience would be to have a highly efficient cleanser that would make denture care easier. Imagine for example a situation where it would be as simple as removing the denture and immersing it for a few seconds in a liquid solution – this would be a dream scenario. Therefore, the Seeker is seeking for novel alternative cleanser technologies that are be more consumer-friendly but still highly efficient. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, the Solvers will have to transfer to the Seeker their exclusive Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the solution. However, the Seeker will be willing to consider a licensing agreement for a partial award if exclusive IP cannot be transferred by the Solver. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on June 19, 2016. Late submissions may not be considered. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Seeker for this Challenge requires additional Solver verification and due diligence. Please read carefully the respective sections in the Challenge Specific Agreement for further information or use your Project Room to ask a question.   [更多]
richard16 2016-05-13 16:05 IP:重庆
通常粘合假牙的化学物会从边缘过量留出,造成的在口中含有化学味道,同时伴随红肿等不良性。寻求一种取代现有的粘合技术,从而改善顾客体验的一种新的技术。 投标截止时期2016年6月5日, 投标网址: Seeking New Technologies for Denture Adhesives TAGS: Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Engineering/Design, Theoretical-IP Transfer AWARD: $20,000 USD | DEADLINE: 6/05/16 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 50 | POSTED: 5/05/16 The use of denture adhesives often comes with an unpleasant sensorial experience for the user, for example, an unpleasant chemical taste, “swelling” and over-flow of the product (oozing) from the edges of the denture and a grainy texture in the mouth. The Seeker for this Challenge is looking to improve this experience for consumers, hence is seeking novel alternative adhesive technologies that can better the sensorial experience without compromising holding performance. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933824 Sign Agreement For This Challenge By electronically signing the agreement below, you are indicating your intention to view the details of this specific InnoCentive Challenge. Viewing the Challenge Details does not obligate you to perform any work on this challenge. Print this Agreement for your records InnoCentive Theoretical (IP Rights Transfer) Challenge-Specific Agreement Please Read This Carefully! You and InnoCentive are agreeing to a Challenge-Specific Solver Agreement for this particular InnoCentive Challenge only, as permitted in the Terms of Use. The Seeker for this InnoCentive Challenge has required that you accept these special terms, so please take the time to understand them. If you click \\"I agree\\" and proceed to the Project Room for this InnoCentive Challenge, this Challenge-Specific Agreement (\\"CSA\\") will be a valid and binding agreement for all purposes relating to this InnoCentive Challenge and in addition to your agreement to abide by the Terms of Use when you registered as a Solver.   [更多]
pengguizi 2016-01-06 08:40 IP:广州
求他克莫司片缓释胶囊大生产工艺及相关研究   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-04-21 09:53 IP:重庆
具体要求: 要求工艺成熟,具有成本优势.   [更多]
zhouxixi 2015-08-19 15:35 IP:重庆
在合理合法的范围内   [更多]
hzsmile 2015-03-22 11:04 IP:杭州
猎梯医药人才网需求医药专家数名,主要为设备、GMP、生产管理、工程管理、QP等,具有较好的表达能力。   [更多]
dahan2000 2015-07-29 11:56 IP:天津
成本,生产周期,产品质量,工艺规模请列出。   [更多]
happyjingjing 2015-03-05 16:31 IP:重庆
桔子油主要应用于化工领域,可用作工业清洁剂,家庭清洁剂及香水的原材料。由于桔子油能够溶解回收废旧泡沫塑料,能处理“白色污染”问题。我乡柑桔种植面积广,想探索加工技术,提高农产品附加值,希望此技术实现小成本,规模生产。   [更多]
xiaomaguohe 2015-05-25 10:20 IP:济南
合理的大生产工艺即可或中试工艺   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-04-27 17:16 IP:马鞍山
基因治疗的概念出现在几十年前,当研究人员推测,人类疾病可以通过精确使用一种技术引入外来DNA来解决遗传缺陷和疾病症状。近年来,基因治疗的进步已经涉足治疗遗传疾病,癌症,神经退行性疾病等各领域。遗传性疾病如色素性视网膜炎等少数眼部疾病的基因也可以如此治疗。公司征集一种在人类眼部组织定性和定量(半)测量体内基因表达的方法。 具体如下 The concept of gene therapy arose decades ago, when researchers postulated that human diseases could be treated by using a technique to introduce foreign DNA to correct genetic defects and disease phenotypes. In recent years, advances in gene therapy have been documented in the treatment of genetic disorders, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Inherited diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa are among a handful of ocular diseases that are amenable to gene therapy. The Seeker desires solutions that will both qualitatively and (semi-) quantitatively measure in vivo gene expression in human ocular tissues. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933643 Challenge Overview The number of clinical trials for gene therapy to treat ocular disorders is on the rise. Inherited diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa among others are thought to be good candidates for targeted treatment. Currently, there is no method in humans to determine the level or geographic location of transgene expression following administration of gene therapy for diseases of the eye, specifically the retina. The Seeker desires solutions that will both qualitatively and (semi-) quantitatively measure in vivo gene expression in human ocular tissues. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on June 20, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered. This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the proposal by the Seeker. To receive an award, Solvers will not be required to transfer their exclusive IP rights to the Seeker. Instead, Solvers will grant to the Seeker a   [更多]
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  • 性价比超高,节省一半费用
  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
