gonggong 2013-01-06 10:24 IP:重庆
  如果您有最新的研发药品,如果您是顶尖的研发团队,那么,您就联系我吧! 联系人:张经理 联系电话:13679029340 联系我时,请说是在药智网上看到的   [更多]
史克 2012-10-21 23:07 IP:重庆
百多邦是皮肤外用抗细菌感染绝对领导品牌,自1993年在中国上市以来,一直保持高速增长,市场份额也得到快速提升。为了保持市场的领先地位,先寻求与现有产品相比具有显着优势的强效治疗脚气的产品或技术。 如果您拥有一项善于皮肤外用抗细菌感染创新的配方、技术、产品、包装方法、陈列设计,甚至是最富创意的商业模式,能够积极改善消费者的生活;如果您拥有适合中美史克现有产品、品牌的商业机会,愿意与中美史克创新发展中心共同分享;中美史克真诚的欢迎阁下的创新方案,愿与您共同讨论、合作,并将您的创新方案变为现实! 中美史克张先生 (Eric Zhang) 新产品引进创新经理 电话:86-10-59252649 传真:86-10-59252904 E-mail: oax74532@gsk.com   [更多]
史克 2012-10-21 23:01 IP:重庆
芬必得作为中美史克企业的着名品牌,为广大消费者提供有效止痛且安全副作用低的优质产品;其品牌知名度名列解热镇痛药品类榜首,零售市场份额稳居第一。居安思危,我们正在寻求找到新的可快速起效的头痛产品,对现有芬必得头痛产品升级换代 如果您拥有一项可快速起效的头痛产品的配方、技术、产品、包装方法、陈列设计,甚至是最富创意的商业模式,能够积极改善消费者的生活;如果您拥有适合中美史克现有产品、品牌的商业机会,愿意与中美史克创新发展中心共同分享;中美史克真诚的欢迎阁下的创新方案,愿与您共同讨论、合作,并将您的创新方案变为现实! 创新需求: 可快速起效的头痛产品,对现有芬必得头痛产品升级换代 用于缓解肌肉和关节疼痛的医疗器械或非处方药类外用制剂产品(贴剂、药膏、喷雾剂、凝胶)或普通商品,能够在2年内上市 能够在中国快速上市的软胶囊制剂,用于缓解疼痛,且有临床数据显示具有速效作用 与传统药膏相比具有显着革新的新型贴剂,临床使用证明可显着缓解肌肉和关节疼痛 基于润滑关节和、或肌肉修复等原理的新方法、新器械、新技术或新产品,可用于缓解肌肉和关节疼痛 与现有外用止痛贴剂相比具有明显改进的止痛药贴,用于缓解肌肉和关节疼痛 用于预防或治疗紧张性头痛的新方法、新器械、新技术或新产品 张先生 (Eric Zhang) 新产品引进创新经理 电话:86-10-59252649 传真:86-10-59252904 E-mail: oax74532@gsk.com   [更多]
shxinlan 2012-11-22 11:55 IP:上海
我们是一家医药技术开发公司,与国内某著名研究所合作开发了依折麦布、度他雄胺和决奈达隆项目,经过两年多的研究,完成了原料药合成、质量研究及结构鉴定的研究,我们希望与药厂合作将该技术进行转让。 我们工艺的优势是杂质研究充分,相关的手性异构体和工艺杂质等做过相应的研究(与原研比较一致)。 我们希望的合作思路是技术转让,可以提供工艺交接甚至可以负责指导试生产。   [更多]
hsmiao 2012-12-14 00:20 IP:鹤壁
可非 复方磷酸可待因糖浆的具体生产方法,所有配料的详细数据。全套调配技术   [更多]
changxin 2012-11-21 11:03 IP:重庆
一家全球性的公司正在寻找一项创新的下一代DNA测序技术来进行合作开发,公司可以和合作伙伴共同开发这项新的技术或者帮助伙伴申请许可。要求关于这个创新技术能有一个详细的说明,并且可以运用任何数据来支持这个新的技术。保证至少会奖励一名合格者。 征稿件请直接上传网址:https://www.innocentive.com” Partnering to Develop the NEXT DNA Sequencing Technology TAGS: Food/Agriculture, Nature, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Global Health, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 12/19/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 21 | POSTED: 11/19/12 The Seeker is a global company looking for truly novel ‘Next Generation Sequencing’ technologies that it can help to co-develop or in-license. A description of the technology is required, along with any existing data to support proof-of-concept. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Detailed Description & Requirements Background Next Generation Sequencing technologies have revolutionized the field of genomic studies – entire genomes can now be accurately sequenced in about a day and with only a few skilled manual steps. The speed and resolution of NGS technologies enables rapid tests to diagnose either infectious or inherited diseases as well as truly personalized medicine, where therapies are selected or optimized based on the patient’s DNA sequence. The Seeker wishes to identify concepts for novel NGS technologies and partners who can collaborate with the Seeker to develop those technologies. The Seeker is a truly global company with a multimillion US dollar annual R&D spend. The Problem A diverse array of NGS technology platforms are commercially available. The Seeker does not wish to use established, or commercially available, NGS technologies. Instead, they wish to partner with researchers, startup companies or universities to develop THE NEXT NGS technology. The technology you propose should be patentable or embody intellectual property owned by you or the institution you represent. The Solution The Seeker wishes to understand the concept of the proposed sequencing technology   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-26 16:46 IP:重庆
寻找一个有经验的会不锈钢金属蚀刻技术的合作伙伴。要求该合作伙伴精通蚀刻工艺的精度控制,并且具备大规模的生产能力,能在未来起到重要作用。 这是一项寻找合作伙伴的任务,要求提交一份关于建立合作伙伴关系的书面建议书。 Precise Chemical Metal Etching AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 11/09/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 6 | POSTED: 9/25/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933182 Type: eRFP Detailed Description & Requirements Background The Seeker has a product whose parts are made by the precise chemical etching of thin Stainless Steel sheets. Stainless steel etching is not very common for precision parts because the requirements are usually too strict for the etching techniques due to underetching. The Seeker has pushed the limits of the metal etching process and has developed processes that potentially work for their application. The Seeker is now looking for partners who can do precision SS etching to potentially become suppliers of parts that will number in the hundreds of millions per year in total. The partner will have developed their own specialized etching technique to make the structures required. The Challenge and Opportunity We are seeking companies which are specialized in chemical metal etching of stainless sheet steel (~200 – 300 ?m thickness). The desired partner should be able to produce the structures on the template below using an etching technique. (Note: For easier viewing, a larger copy of the drawing is attached to this Challenge.) We do not expect the Solvers to actually produce the template structures for this Challenge, but show that they have the skills and equipment to potentially produce the structures. If selected as a potential partner by the Seeker after the Challenge, then you will be asked to produce the structures directly for the Seeker. The template is not the actual part of interest, but the Seeker is confident if you can reproduce the template, then it will translate to making the part. Figure 1- Etching Structure Template It should absolutely be clear that when using an etching technique, the   [更多]
zjsswgcxh 2012-06-07 14:06 IP:杭州
  长期吸收转化“体外诊断试剂”新技术与新产品,欢迎与本学会秘书处联系 长期吸收转化“体外诊断试剂”新技术与新产品,欢迎与本学会秘书处联系洽谈,电话0571-88035953,邮箱guglezhang@gmail.com。   [更多]
rz8217319 2012-05-08 14:25 IP:日照
盐酸奥普力农葡萄糖注射液临床批件3.1类转让,已经完成临床备案。   [更多]
lovedolphin520 2012-04-25 11:16 IP:珠海
性 状:粉末或药膏 用 法:外用 药物特点:治愈快,无副作用 主要治疗:重度宫颈糜烂、皮癣、湿疹、真菌感染、烧伤烫伤、外伤,都能很快治愈; (外伤治疗绝对不会像有的什么白药,表面结壳了,里面化脓!此药物可使 肌肉组织快速的生长,愈合)。 临床实践10年。   [更多]
  • 安全可靠,先验收再正式付款
  • 性价比超高,节省一半费用
  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
