xjhww淘 2017-01-23 10:42 IP:重庆
求购药品电子监管码,即药品包装上的条形码,是药品的商品条码,以下为具体要求: 1.基本包含所有国内上市药品和药品的全套信息,包括:每类药品的所有厂家,每个厂家不同的剂型和不同包装规格的条形码 2.提供格式以EXCEL电子版本格式   [更多]
xiaomaguohe 2015-05-25 10:20 IP:济南
合理的大生产工艺即可或中试工艺   [更多]
lyj19721101 2015-01-27 15:01 IP:马鞍山
抑制细胞外神经信号的作用可以通过抑制受体或去除配位体来产生。我们需要一个实例或证据来证明抑制受体和损耗配体是怎么阻断信号的,比如可以变构小分子或大分子或竞争性抑制。具体看下面链接: https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933720 AWARD: $20,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/25/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 19 | POSTED: 1/26/15 Inhibition of extracellular signaling can occur through an inhibition of a receptor or removal of a ligand. What evidence is there that one method of inhibition is more efficient or efficacious than the other at blocking signaling? The Seeker is specifically looking for well-supported examples of receptor/ligand inhibition where both methods of inhibition exist. This Challenge requires only a written proposal. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933720 Challenge Overview Inhibition of extracellular neuronal signaling can occur through the inhibition of a receptor or removal of a ligand. What evidence is there (or lack of) that one method of inhibition (inhibition of the receptor versus depletion of the ligand) is more efficient or efficacious than the other at blocking signaling? Inhibition can be allosteric or competitive, small molecule or large molecule. The Seeker is specifically looking for well-supported examples of receptor/ligand inhibition where both methods of inhibition exist. Submissions to this Challenge must be received by 11:59 PM (US Eastern Time) on February 25, 2015. Late submissions will not be considered.   [更多]
13815927572ph633 2019-10-24 15:23 IP:未知
我公司拟生产如下产品:医用棉签,医用薄膜手套,医用绷带,医用棉球,一次性口罩,一次性帽子,一次性使用止血带,一次性使用引流袋,一次性使用负压引流袋,液体敷料,医用冷敷贴。 如有全套备案资料者请联系。   [更多]
corxing 2018-04-19 17:53 IP:未知
实单求购伐昔洛韦杂质N 10mg/20mg/100mg 能提供的请联系17621899918   [更多]
z109030487 2017-05-25 14:34 IP:郑州
产品要求: 1.产品量25g,90%以上纯度 2.需提供HNMR谱图及其他确定纯度和结构的谱图 3.可以签署购买协议 4.一经核对信息及产品符合要求,可以直接获得悬赏金额1.8万元   [更多]
xjhww淘 2016-11-04 15:33 IP:重庆
求购药品电子监管码,即药品包装上的条形码,是药品的商品条码,以下为具体要求: 1.基本包含所有国内上市药品和药品的全套信息,包括:每类药品的所有厂家,每个厂家不同的剂型和不同包装规格的条形码 2.提供格式以EXCEL电子版本格式   [更多]
管理员 2011-09-06 10:37 IP:重庆
  Enriching Low-Abundance Serum & Plasma Proteins   AWARD: $30,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/01/11 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 254 | POSTED: 8/01/11   Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9932714 Type: Theoretical-licensing   Detailed Description & Requirements   Concentrations of proteins in serum and plasma span up to 10 orders of magnitude – e.g. from serum albumin (50 mg/ml) to some cytokines and chemokines (<5 pg/ml)   Protein molecules most useful to researchers exist at levels that are approximately at or below the 10,000 pg/ml range. Detection and quantification of these low-abundance proteins is obscured by the presence of high abundance proteins. Current methods for reducing the concentration of high-abundance proteins are either inefficient, targeted at certain proteins, or introduce bias and other artifacts.   The Seeker is looking to identify novel methods to reliably reduce or eliminate high abundance proteins so that detection of protein analytes present at the 1-10 ng/ml scale or lower may be accurately detected.   The Seeker envisages that a sample preparation techniques may be the most likely route to a solution. However, alternative approaches are also welcomed. The Seeker is highly experienced in sample preparation technologies for reduction of high-abundance proteins & is not interested in simple proposals of commercially available, or published, technologies and techniques.   The Seeker is aware of the following ‘sample enrichment’ technologies for reducing the concentration of high abundance proteins from serum & plasma. The techniques are listed together with their limitations for the Seeker:   Immunoaffinity depletions– depletions are extremely specific to the antigens the antibodies target. Commercially available kits commonly deplete 6-20 high abundance proteins with more than 90% efficiency. Although this enables detection of more low-abundance proteins, the column-based process induces some bias in low-abundance protein   [更多]
tan1990 2016-07-05 10:05 IP:重庆
标题:求 维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价 详细要求: 需求名称:维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价专家 具体要求:寻找一个维生素D滴剂或维生素D2软胶囊一致性评价方面的专家或团队,要求擅长一致性评价相关工作和法规,有维生素D的研究背景,能够满足一致性评价方面的要求,有一致性评价成功案例的优先。 交稿方式:直接点击交稿在线交稿就是了,我会每天过来看的,谢谢各位   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-12-12 15:02 IP:马鞍山
湿疹是一种慢性皮肤疾病,包括炎症,红肿,痒。许多非处方药品都是从干燥的角度来治疗湿疹的,南昌我们需要处方药物,减轻瘙痒和炎症的症状。现在寻求开发一种用于治疗湿疹的新的解决方案。具体如下:(https://www.innocentive.com/ar/challenge/9933668?challenge=9933668) TAGS: Chemistry, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 1/31/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 55 | POSTED: 12/09/14 Eczema is a term that refers to a group of chronic skin conditions that involve inflammation, irritation, and itch. Many over-the-counter products are marketed to persons with eczema for the purpose of gaining relief from the dry, itchy rash. Flare-ups require prescription medications that alleviate the symptoms of itch and inflammation. The Seeker is looking to develop novel solutions for the treatment of eczema. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933668 Challenge Overview Eczema is a general term for all types of dermatitis. The etiology of eczema remains unknown, although there is evidence to suggest that the cause may be hereditary or linked to environmental triggers. People try many things to treat their eczema and these include over-the-counter remedies, prescription medications, and alternative therapies. Common complaints about these treatments stem from the lack of effectiveness in providing symptom relief. Topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors are widely used to effectively alleviate itch and inflammation, however, prolonged and inappropriate use can cause permanent changes to the skin such as skin thinning. Therefore, eczema treatment remains an unmet medical need. The Seeker is an independent, research-based pharmaceutical company that desires novel ideas for molecules, which are targeted for other diseases, but may also prove to be beneficial for eczema patients. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be paid to the best   [更多]
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  • 性价比超高,节省一半费用
  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
