supersara 2013-03-19 18:27 IP:北京
 欲购下列标准品:DBP 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯DEHP 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基已基)酯DINP 邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯各100mg,国产的或的均可。联系方式:153759627   [更多]
tyl791128 2012-02-15 14:24 IP:遂宁
需求阿莫西林胶囊微生物限度验证方案,准确的回收率。因本人用薄膜过滤法操作,枯草芽孢杆菌无法回收回来,请各位高手支招。冲洗量是多大?青霉素酶用多大单位,多少量?   [更多]
tl1109 2015-03-17 14:14 IP:重庆
企业需求如下: 1、 生物及医学类的实验检测项目 2、 实习基地——各高校:医学、生物信息学等专业 3、 其他研发类的合作项目 上海丰核信息科技有限公司主要是做生物医药数据挖掘和医学sci辅助润色的科研单位,在项目进程中有很多需要精准的具体操作的实验数据,可以与高校生物学类、医学类团队合作,如:华东理工大学生物医药工程技术团队、上海理工大学医疗器械技术团队。 我公司诚邀各高校及实验室学子到我方实习,主要招收实习岗位有:生物信息meta分析师,初高级论文编辑。全职所需要求为:(1)生物、药学、农学、统计学或者临床医学硕士以上学历;(2)熟悉循证医学、医学统计学;(3)具有一定的临床工作经验,熟悉医学文献检索、SCI论文写作;(4)至少在SCI期刊发表meta分析文章1篇以上。实习生为上述几个专业都可以,高校及实验室不限 我方是以生物信息总挖掘的方式对医药研发、比对试验、医药学的数据进行深度提炼,各高校组织如果对我方所做项目感兴趣,可以联系相关合作事宜。 联 系 人 - 张贾敏 联系电话 - 021-54065223 传  真 - 021-54065233 邮  件 -   [更多]
12580 2012-03-01 16:46 IP:合肥
X20010169   30mg的   [更多]
daxiao 2011-09-05 13:05 IP:重庆
  求购欧洲药典EP标准品目录(中文)1.要求是最新的目录,至少是2010年的目录,   2. 要求产品目录要完整,至少要包括:产品名称,CAS号,价格,规格等,产品名称为中文   3. 格式不限,只要文字可以复制就行。可以是PDF或者是word或,数据库格式更好   [更多]
永达化工 2012-09-24 14:31 IP:济南
Disulfiram 我想要一份USP版本的分析单   [更多]
taideng 2012-03-07 23:02 IP:重庆
1.要求是中国药典2010年版一部word版,不是二部、三部,也不是pdf版 2.要求word版是正式的标准,而不是标准修改稿 3.不需要中药材部份(我已有),只需要中成药部分 4.要求基本没有错误,不有用PDF的复制或转化,这样错误太多。 5.网上随便搜索来的东西我已有,都不符合上面的要求,请不要投稿   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-26 21:59 IP:重庆
任务材料需要提供与化合物相匹配的核心结构和每种化合物合成的详细的参考依据。合格者会得到一定的奖励。将给予每种化合物知识产权转让费9000元,非独家许可使用化合物,以达到研究目的,比如:研究化合物分子的性质和分子衍生物。 Seeking Bicyclic Aminoketones AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 10/22/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 24 | POSTED: 9/21/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9932910 Type: RTP Detailed Description & Requirements Intellectual Property: In return for the Initial Transfer Fee of $1,500 per compound, you are expected to grant the Seeker only a non-exclusive license to use your compound for internal, research purposes (for example, researching the molecule’s properties or preparing derivatives of the molecule). Material supply of non-commercial compounds matching the shown core structures is desired. For Solvers’ information, procedures for preparing compounds of this type may be found in the following references: Synthesis, 1, 1979, 50. Synthesis, 3, 2010, 493. Tetrahedron, 68 (4), 2012, 1286. J. Organic Chem, 73 (6), 2008, 2114. J. Med. Chem, 37 (18), 1994, 2831. More specifically, the Seeker is looking for compounds that meet the following Requirements: Structure: FeatureRange StructureA bicyclic aminoketone as shown in the structures above. Elements in R and A groupsR = H, Me, or protecting group (preferably Boc) A = A 1-3 membered linker where one atom may be N, O, or S Substituents– In addition to H, the core rings and/or the A linker may be substituted with Me or F. Unsaturation– The core rings and/or the A linker may include an olefin, including an exo olefin, but may not contain any additional carbonyl groups. Additional Rings– The Seeker would prefer compounds that have only the bicyclic structure shown above, however, they may consider compounds with an additional ring fused to the core bicycle. Stereochemistry– The Seeker will only consider compounds which are single diastereomers. In cases where the compound may exist as two enantiomers, the Seeker will consider   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-27 11:01 IP:重庆
这项任务要要求设计一个自动化的,高通量的仪器 , 可以定量地和可重复地测定的油水乳化液的分离。 这个任务需要提交一份书面建议书。 An Instrument for Quantitative, Reproducible Characterization of Water/Oil Emulsions AWARD: $30,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/15/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 508 | POSTED: 8/15/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933086 Type: Theoretical-IP Transfer Detailed Description & Requirements The presence of emulsions in oil operations is common and generally undesirable. Crude oil emulsions typically form due to the presence of naturally occurring emulsifying agents (asphaltenes, resins, etc.) in crude oil. The high cost associated with transportation and corrosion of equipment is one of the problems caused by the presence of water in the crude oil. Therefore, oil dehydration is required, which is often achieved through chemical treatment using demulsifiers. While the Seeker has identified ~200 liquid “demulsifier” agents, compounds that in amounts of ~100-500 ppm can aid in the resolution of the water and oil phases, they lack a quantitative and reproducible assay for determining demulsifier effectiveness at resolving the emulsion. Currently, the Seeker performs a “bottle test” in which they add ~15-100 mL of the emulsion into a bottle, add the different demulsifiers, shake, and then visually observe which bottles show the best phase separation. This assay clearly relies on visual detection by a trained observer and is not nearly as quantitative or reproducible as the Seeker desires. Results from a bottle test with the same emulsion and three different demulsifiers are shown below. The bottle on the left has clearly not been resolved into two distinct phases. While the middle bottle shows significant improvement, careful inspection of the phase boundary shows a slight amount of oil contaminating the water layer and a slightly undefined interface. Finally, the bottle on the right shows an optimally resolved two-phase system with a very clear oil/water phase boundary. Important Note:   [更多]
汤汤小孩 2016-03-28 12:15 IP:北京
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  • 80%的需求得到了圆满解决
