richard16 2017-03-03 10:37 IP:重庆
在临床试验中,患者坚持用药是极为重要的。在寻常痤疮试验中,每日使用1或2次药物,坚持用药一段时间(比如,12周)100%是很难坚持的。我们寻找一种思想方法,可以提高痤疮临床实验的依赖性。 任务详情请见: 请在3月30日前投稿于:   [更多]
tianjuan 2016-11-03 17:07 IP:重庆
在中国能做BE试验样本分析的公司名录。   [更多]
789654abcd 2022-04-12 10:09 IP:天津
符合2020版GCP要求,最好源于知名公司或CRO,包括质量手册,程序文件,管理文件,SOP和表单,有范例更佳。   [更多]
Jinghan 2021-08-20 14:01 IP:上海
大家好!我们是一家为临床试验提供SaaS服务的公司,为了不停改进、优化我们的产品,我们长期招募各岗位的专业老师与我们进行关于该岗位工作流程、痛点、需求等的调研研究,或产品测试。每次访谈时间一小时左右,礼金可协商,接受远程访谈。招募条件:具备该岗位1年以上全职工作经验在日常工作中使用软件工具签订产品与受访者双向保密协议允许我们在测试和面访过程当中进行录音、录屏等方式记录访谈过程   [更多]
战斗 2018-03-26 00:55 IP:重庆
悬赏5000征集一份抗癌说明书   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-12-18 12:55 IP:马鞍山
我们对治疗克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎的新的机理和作用点感兴趣,这些可能包括,但不限于,接近病灶或调节菌群,代谢,遗传,后天产生的抗体。新治疗方法可能包括,但不限于,疫苗,基因治疗,和小分子化合物,而免疫抑制除外。理想的途径是先找到IBD发病新机理,再转化为一种治疗新的方法。具体如下:( Novel Treatment Approaches to Cure Inflammatory Bowel Diseases TAGS: Nature, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $10,000 USD | DEADLINE: 2/16/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 21 | POSTED: 12/16/14 The Seeker for this Challenge desires proposals describing potential approaches for curing Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The Seeker is interested in novel mechanisms of action that specifically address the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). These may include, but are not limited to, approaches targeting or modulating the microbiota, metabolism, genetic, and epigenetic targets. Platforms may involve, but are not limited to, vaccines, gene therapy, and small molecule compounds. The Seeker is not interested in immunosuppression. Desirable approaches are specifically relevant to the pathogenesis of IBD and can be translated into a cure. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. In addition to the Challenge award, the Seeker is open to establishing potential collaborations with the winning Solver(s) to further investigate proposed mechanisms with the eventual goal of developing a cure for IBD. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933446 Challenge Overview The Seeker for this Challenge desires proposals for novel approaches that specifically address the causes of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) to enable the development of a cure. The Seeker is interested in unique ideas and new approaches (including gene delivery techniques), but is not interested in approaches that are simply common targets for various immunological conditions. That is, the approach must be specifically relevant to the pathogenesis of IBD and can be translated into a cure. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-11-21 17:29 IP:马鞍山
截止日期:2014年12月31日 已有提案:17件 发布时间:2014年11月18日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:研究人员需要寻找一种新植入盆腔器官脱垂的治疗方法。这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2014年12月31日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种寻找新植入盆腔器官脱垂的治疗方法。盆腔器官脱垂(POP)是指盆腔器官(膀胱,子宫和直肠)的下降,是由于周围结构支撑的损坏。最近的研究表明,妇女在她们的一生中有12.6%的可能性接受手术治疗脱垂修复。POP手术修复的目的是提供并改善盆腔器官的功能,同时尽量减少复发。然而,网状增强修复有可能需要再次手术,在5年目并发症的妇女6%,约10%将需要再次手术治疗复发性脱垂。所以我们需要一种更好治疗方法才能实现不复发的目标。3、投稿在此网站:   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-11-27 18:54 IP:马鞍山
截止日期:2015年1月10日 已有提案:17件 发布时间:14年11月25日 已选0个,还需要1个。 具体要求:血糖水平在饭后,运动,或胰岛素注射后都能迅速变化。对于糖尿病患者,血糖自我监测是非常重要的。我们通过时测的血糖浓度来给患者开取药物种类和用量。一般测量是一天几次,需要从手指取血。虽然程序简单,患者不喜欢频频采样。阿斯利康致力于无采血需要测量血糖微创方法。 这一悬赏只需要一个书面建议。 以下几条信息必须同时满足: 1. 必须在2015年1月10日下午11时59分(美国东部时间)收到,逾期的投标概不受理。只需要提案人一个书面建议提交。解决方领取奖金的同时,必须将其独有的知识产权(IP)的权利转让给举办方。 2.这个悬赏任务是必须寻找一种微创血糖监测方法,只需要提交一份书面建议,即可。 3、投稿在此网站:   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-12-12 15:02 IP:马鞍山
湿疹是一种慢性皮肤疾病,包括炎症,红肿,痒。许多非处方药品都是从干燥的角度来治疗湿疹的,南昌我们需要处方药物,减轻瘙痒和炎症的症状。现在寻求开发一种用于治疗湿疹的新的解决方案。具体如下:( TAGS: Chemistry, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Life Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 1/31/15 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 55 | POSTED: 12/09/14 Eczema is a term that refers to a group of chronic skin conditions that involve inflammation, irritation, and itch. Many over-the-counter products are marketed to persons with eczema for the purpose of gaining relief from the dry, itchy rash. Flare-ups require prescription medications that alleviate the symptoms of itch and inflammation. The Seeker is looking to develop novel solutions for the treatment of eczema. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933668 Challenge Overview Eczema is a general term for all types of dermatitis. The etiology of eczema remains unknown, although there is evidence to suggest that the cause may be hereditary or linked to environmental triggers. People try many things to treat their eczema and these include over-the-counter remedies, prescription medications, and alternative therapies. Common complaints about these treatments stem from the lack of effectiveness in providing symptom relief. Topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors are widely used to effectively alleviate itch and inflammation, however, prolonged and inappropriate use can cause permanent changes to the skin such as skin thinning. Therefore, eczema treatment remains an unmet medical need. The Seeker is an independent, research-based pharmaceutical company that desires novel ideas for molecules, which are targeted for other diseases, but may also prove to be beneficial for eczema patients. This is an Ideation Challenge, which has the following unique features: There is a guaranteed award. The awards will be paid to the best   [更多]
lyj19721101 2014-12-18 12:56 IP:马鞍山
勃林格殷格翰公司对诊断和治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病以及重症哮喘患者新方法非常感兴趣。针对慢性阻塞性肺病患者或重症哮喘所造成的呼吸道障碍,他们积极寻求恢复方法并寻找分子靶点开发治疗药物。具体如下:( Boehringer Ingelheim (the Seeker) is interested in identifying new therapeutic concepts for the treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or severe asthma. The Seeker is specifically searching for molecular targets to develop therapeutic agents for the restoration of the airway epithelial barrier function in patients with COPD or severe asthma. The Seeker is also interested in molecular targets driving the regeneration of the airway epithelium. Submitted solutions that meet the Solution Requirements according to this InnoCentive Challenge Statement will be considered for up to three awards of $15,000 each. However, the Seeker may (i) not award any solution if none of the submitted proposals meets all Solution Requirements or (ii) award only the solution of the highest overall quality with $15,000. The consideration for an award requires the willingness and ability of the Solver to provide the Seeker with a non-exclusive license regarding all intellectual property related to the Challenge according to the terms of the InnoCentive Theroretical (Non-Exclusive-License) Challenge-Specific Agreement. 2. Additional application for Research Funding In addition to consideration for the award(s) Solvers with appropriate qualifications and expertise having access to a suitable research laboratory and equipment can apply for research funding (“Research Funding”) to execute a research plan that is proposed in the submitted solution. The requested funding should not exceed a funding period of 2 years and a total budget of $200,000. The selection of candidates for Research Funding will be conducted after completion of the Challenge, and will require the submission of additional information. The decision to fund research will be at the sole discretion of the Seeker. The Challenge according to No.   [更多]
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