• 2017-08-18

    文献名称: 1、 Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 印度化学学会杂志 1997 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 649 - 651 2、National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Chemical-Biological Coordination Center, Review. Vol. 5, Pg. 25, 1953. 3、Randomized, double-blind comparison of immediate-release omeprazole oral suspension versus intravenous cimetidine for the prevention of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients. 4、Ambroxol-induced immune hemolytic anemia (Guitard M1, Giannoli C, Bachet P, Vial T.) 5、Ambroxol(Reactions Weekly;1/13/2007, Issue 1134, p7) 要求: 1.需要下载到文献全文的PDF版本,以文献原始名称命名。 2.按照合格交稿的顺序,先到先得,一篇文章可以获得10元奖励

  • 2017-08-11

    文献名称: 1.GI highlights from the literature 2.氯吡格雷活性代谢物合成路线研究 3. H Liehr , WD Heine.Treatment of endotoxemia in galactosamine hepatitis by lactulose administered intravenously.Hepato-gastroenterology , 1981 , 28 (6) :296-8 4.N Ebner.Lactose and lactose-derivative (Laevolac) in the treatment of the endogenic factor in parodontopathies.《Osterr Z Stomatol》 , 1973 , 70 (9) :317-324 5.N Ebner.Guidelines for Laevolac therapy against the endogenous factor in periodontal diseases.《Osterr Z Stomatol》 , 1978 (9) :327-331 要求: 1.需要下载到文献全文的PDF版本,以文献原始名称命名。 2.按照合格交稿的顺序,先到先得,一篇文章可以获得10元奖励

  • 2017-08-09

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