Like2291 2019-09-06 17:07 IP:重庆
1.Evaluation of free-to-total prostate specific antigen (F/T PSA), prostate specific antigen density (PSAD) and (F/T)/PSAD sensitivity on reduction of unnecessary prostate biopsies for patients with PSA in gray zone. 2、Supermini NLP (SMP): Material, indicaciones, técnica, ventajas y resultados. 3、A new formulation of etomidate in lipid emulsion--bioavailability and venous provocation 4、Etomidate using a new solubilizer. Experimental clinical studies on venous tolerance and bioavailability 5、中国急性冠状动脉综合征防治现状蓝皮书2015   [更多]
Like2291 2019-08-29 09:37 IP:重庆
1、托伐普坦治疗ADPKD临床实践指南解读 2、Severino B, Luisi G, Donomae Iwamoto R, Moreno RA, Perez Teixeira V, Di Vaio P, Saccone I, Magli E, Santagada V, Caliendo G, Mendes GD, De Nucci G. 3、Executive summary on acetaminophen efficacy and safety. McNeil Consumer & SpecialtyPharmaceuticals. Data on file. 2002-9-19. Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting 2002 8 20 4、Polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism on nifedipine 5、Ullmann, vol.18, p.223 1979年的文献 6、Pharmacokinetics/dynamics following administration of a recombinant humanized monoclonal anti IgE antibody in the cynomolgus monkey   [更多]
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Like2291 2019-08-20 11:20 IP:重庆
1、American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati, OH, 2008, 2、内容:Totsuka K,Furukawa M,Furuya N,et al. PK/PD analysis of Tebipenem Pivoxil (ME1211),a Novel Oral Carbapenem Antibiotic,in otolaryngological infections,a phase II clinical trial (3).45th Intersci Conf Antimicrob Agents Chemother(ICAAC)(Dec 16-19. Washington,D.C.),2005,Abst L-579标题 PK/PD analysis of Tebipenem Pivoxil (ME1211),a Novel Oral Carbapenem Antibiotic,in otolaryngological infections,a phase II clinical trial; 3、PK–PD analysis of tebipenem pivoxil in clinical trials for pediatric patients. Jpn J Chemother. 2009;57(S-1):186–91. 4、Effect of meals and dosage-form modification on theophylline bioavailability from a 24-hour sustained-release delivery system. González MA1, Straughan AB. 5、Single dose study of the bioequivalence of two sustained-release theophylline formulations. Contreras J, Pérez N, González R, Ontivero E, López M. Arzneimittelforschung. 1998 Mar;48(3):259-62. 6、National Technical Information Service. (Springfield, VA 22161) Formerly U.S. Clearinghouse for Scientific & Technical Information., AD277-689 7、Graul, A.; Castaner, J.; Atorvastatin Calcium. Drugs Fut 1997, 22, 9, 956. 8、Formulation And Evaluation of Topical Aceclofenac Gel Using Different Gelling Agent(JAPAN PATEL1*, BRIJESH PATEL1, HARDEEPSINGH BANWAIT1, KAUSHAL PARMAR1,MANISH PATEL2 Department of Pharmaceutics, Sat Kaival College of Pharmacy, Sarsa, Anand, Gujarat, India Nootan Pharmacy College, Visnagar, Gujarat, India) 9、NCCN pediatric neuroblastoma practice guidelines. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Oncology (Williston Park). 1996 Dec;10(12):1813-22 10、Preliminary studies on toxic effects of some vulcanizing accelerators 11、Dose Dumping Dose dumping is an increased concern with drugs manufactured as modified-release (MR) formulations, that is, where drug   [更多]
asima 2019-08-19 17:50 IP:重庆
目前有4500+条ATC多编码数据需要划分主次关系(即一个药对应的主要或关键适应症排序,最主要最关键的适应症排在前面,其次依序排列),已将数据分为多个数据包,每个数据包里包含了200个左右的药品通用名,500元一个数据包(必须在规定时间完成并保证高的准确度)。 每人每次只可领取一个数据包,一个数据包的处理时间为3天。数据审核合格以后付款,完成优秀者,可重复领取数据包。 人员要求: (1)药学本科及以上学历或有中级职称; (2)英语水平较好; (3)精通ATC编码或以前参与过药智网西药ATC分类,且完成工作较好者。 PS:此贴用于领取任务,发布奖金时在另行发布帖子由任务接收者单独领取,完成质量较好者会有额外奖励   [更多]
Like2291 2019-08-05 13:38 IP:重庆
1、Effect of probenecid or diet on tebipenem pivoxil tablets pharmacokinetics in healthy male volunteers; 2、Effect of diet on the pharmacokinetics of tebipenem pivoxil fine granules in healthy male volunteers; 3、Pharmacokinetics analysis of tebipenem pivoxil in a phase II clinical trial in otolaryngological infection 1、Pharmacokinetic properties of isosorbide-5-mononitrate under fasting and fed conditions in healthy male subjects. Jin C, Jeon JY, Im YJ, Jeong JA, Kim Y, Chae SW, Bentz J, Kumke T, Kim MG. 7.The control of myopia with atropine.   [更多]
Like2291 2019-08-02 11:39 IP:重庆
1.Myopia Control with Bifocal Contact Lenses: A Randomized Clinical Trial 2.The Role of Atropine Eye Drops in Myopia Control 4. Myopia Control: A Review 7. Efficacy of 1% atropine eye drops in retarding progressive axial myopia in Indian eyes 8.Atropine 0.01% Eyedrops Significantly Reduce the Progression of Childhood Myopia 9.Current approaches to myopia control 10.Atropine for the Prevention of Progression in Myopia - Data, Side Effects, Practical Guidelines 13. Atropine 0.01% Eyedrops Significantly Reduce the Progression of Childhood Myopia. 18. The treatment of myopia with atropine and bifocals. A long-term prospective study 19. Inhibitory effects of apomorphine and atropine and their combination on myopia in chicks 20. The penetration and distribution of topical atropine in animal ocular tissues. 21. Treatment outcomes of myopic anisometropia with 1% atropine: a pilot study 23. Does atropine use increase intraocular pressure in myopic children? 24. Atropine use for the prevention of myopia progression 25. Allergic reactions to atropine eye drops for retardation of progressive myopia in children. 29. Maximum atropine dose without clinical signs or symptoms. 31. Atropine and bifocals can slow the progression of myopia in children. 33. Prevention of myopia onset with 0.025% atropine in premyopic children 35. The long-term results of using low-concentration atropine eye drops for controlling myopia progression in schoolchildren. 37. Prevention of myopia progression with 0.05% atropine solution.   [更多]
Steve_Olson 2019-08-01 16:24 IP:重庆
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Like2291 2019-07-25 11:23 IP:重庆
1、P. A. Prajapati and M. M. Patel, “Formulation and in vitro evaluation of atropine sulphate viscous ocular solutions for the mydriatic and cycloplegic effect,” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 70–78, 2010. View at Google Scholar 2、D. S. Satya, K. P. Suria, and P. P. Muthu, “Advanced approaches and evaluation of ocular drug delivery system,” American Journal of PharmTech Research, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 72–92, 2011. View at Google Scholar 3、B. K. Nanjwade, D. B. Sonaje, and F. V. Manvi, “In vitro—in vivo release of ciprofloxacin from ophthalmic formulations,” International Journal of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 23–28, 2011. View at Google Scholar 4、Physicochemical properties and stability of nicorandil By Nagai, Hiroshi; Koizumi, Ikue; Haneda, Masatoshi; Imai, Toshikatsu; Kikuchi, Mineo; Shiba, Motoharu From Iyakuhin Kenkyu (1983), 14(6), 968-79. Language: Japanese, Database: CAPLUS 5、Sobean oil partially hydrogenated 最新德国药典   [更多]
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