changxin 2012-09-27 11:52 IP:重庆
“科技每年都会见证一些神奇的真理和制造出令人眼花缭乱的东西,如吴雨霏穆利斯《创新的聚合酶链式反应》。 不幸的是,他们中的大多数被淘汰出局。而聚合酶链式反应则预示着基因组的革命. 这是一项关于思维的挑战,这项任务要求挑战者来概述制药行业需要采取哪些创新,来适应这优胜劣汰的游戏规则。挑战者不需要发表明确的解决方案,你只需要清楚的描述已经存在的,可能会成为下一个制药趋势的大事。这将有助于制药行业寻找明天的药物,生产新药。 What Disruptive Innovations Does Pharma Need To Discover Tomorrow’s Drugs? AWARD: $5,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/15/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 220 | POSTED: 9/14/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9932826 Type: Ideation Detailed Description & Requirements Background Productivity in drug discovery & development – the number of new drugs reaching patients – has been declining. At the same time, R&D spending has been increasing. Industry experts calculate the mean R&D spend per new drug on the market is $4-11 billion dollars. 2012 Forbes Article: The Truly Staggering Cost of Inventing New Drugs The Problem Various factors contribute to this high development cost. The most prominent is the high rate of attrition (failure) on drug like compounds as they pass through the drug development process. For every 10,000 compounds that appear interesting during basic research, 1 may reach market as an approved drug. Causes of compounds not progressing include: Lack of efficacy or potency Unfavorable pharmacology/pharmacodynamics Toxicity or safety Increasing regulatory stringency in approving drugs for clinical trial and for market Increasing emphasis on stratification of patient populations for administration of drugs (personalized medicine) Factors contributing to these causes include, but are not limited to: Assay systems and platforms that poorly replicate drug effects in humans Lack of new therapeutic drug targets being identified e.g. phenotypic screening data is difficult to convert into new molecular targets Animal experimental data, too, poorly predicts effects in humans / translational medicine Lack of good validated biomarkers to measure disease states or predict   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-27 11:01 IP:重庆
这项任务要要求设计一个自动化的,高通量的仪器 , 可以定量地和可重复地测定的油水乳化液的分离。 这个任务需要提交一份书面建议书。 An Instrument for Quantitative, Reproducible Characterization of Water/Oil Emulsions AWARD: $30,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/15/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 508 | POSTED: 8/15/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933086 Type: Theoretical-IP Transfer Detailed Description & Requirements The presence of emulsions in oil operations is common and generally undesirable. Crude oil emulsions typically form due to the presence of naturally occurring emulsifying agents (asphaltenes, resins, etc.) in crude oil. The high cost associated with transportation and corrosion of equipment is one of the problems caused by the presence of water in the crude oil. Therefore, oil dehydration is required, which is often achieved through chemical treatment using demulsifiers. While the Seeker has identified ~200 liquid “demulsifier” agents, compounds that in amounts of ~100-500 ppm can aid in the resolution of the water and oil phases, they lack a quantitative and reproducible assay for determining demulsifier effectiveness at resolving the emulsion. Currently, the Seeker performs a “bottle test” in which they add ~15-100 mL of the emulsion into a bottle, add the different demulsifiers, shake, and then visually observe which bottles show the best phase separation. This assay clearly relies on visual detection by a trained observer and is not nearly as quantitative or reproducible as the Seeker desires. Results from a bottle test with the same emulsion and three different demulsifiers are shown below. The bottle on the left has clearly not been resolved into two distinct phases. While the middle bottle shows significant improvement, careful inspection of the phase boundary shows a slight amount of oil contaminating the water layer and a slightly undefined interface. Finally, the bottle on the right shows an optimally resolved two-phase system with a very clear oil/water phase boundary. Important Note:   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-26 21:59 IP:重庆
任务材料需要提供与化合物相匹配的核心结构和每种化合物合成的详细的参考依据。合格者会得到一定的奖励。将给予每种化合物知识产权转让费9000元,非独家许可使用化合物,以达到研究目的,比如:研究化合物分子的性质和分子衍生物。 Seeking Bicyclic Aminoketones AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 10/22/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 24 | POSTED: 9/21/12 Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9932910 Type: RTP Detailed Description & Requirements Intellectual Property: In return for the Initial Transfer Fee of $1,500 per compound, you are expected to grant the Seeker only a non-exclusive license to use your compound for internal, research purposes (for example, researching the molecule’s properties or preparing derivatives of the molecule). Material supply of non-commercial compounds matching the shown core structures is desired. For Solvers’ information, procedures for preparing compounds of this type may be found in the following references: Synthesis, 1, 1979, 50. Synthesis, 3, 2010, 493. Tetrahedron, 68 (4), 2012, 1286. J. Organic Chem, 73 (6), 2008, 2114. J. Med. Chem, 37 (18), 1994, 2831. More specifically, the Seeker is looking for compounds that meet the following Requirements: Structure: FeatureRange StructureA bicyclic aminoketone as shown in the structures above. Elements in R and A groupsR = H, Me, or protecting group (preferably Boc) A = A 1-3 membered linker where one atom may be N, O, or S Substituents– In addition to H, the core rings and/or the A linker may be substituted with Me or F. Unsaturation– The core rings and/or the A linker may include an olefin, including an exo olefin, but may not contain any additional carbonyl groups. Additional Rings– The Seeker would prefer compounds that have only the bicyclic structure shown above, however, they may consider compounds with an additional ring fused to the core bicycle. Stereochemistry– The Seeker will only consider compounds which are single diastereomers. In cases where the compound may exist as two enantiomers, the Seeker will consider   [更多]
taideng 2012-09-13 17:56 IP:重庆
寻依折麦布杂质结构式(订金已支付给药智网,请踊跃投标) 要求提供依折麦布中杂质中的结构式,要求不得有缺漏及错误,具体代码及类别如下: 联系QQ:1667479459   [更多]
qianjin 2012-08-27 10:56 IP:重庆
千金药业股份有限公司现求购各类新药项目,项目要求如下: 1、中药品种 要求6类或6类以上新药,成熟品种优先考虑;领域不限,以妇科、儿科、骨伤科、心脑血管、准字号洗液等优先考虑。 2、化药品种 化学药物以妇科、儿科领域或大市场(心脑血管、消化系统、抗肿瘤、呼吸系统等)品种优先考虑。 联系人 向老师:156-7339-9765 邮箱 株洲千金药业股份有限公司 研发部 株洲千金药业股份有限公司简介 株洲千金药业股份有限公司,前身为株洲市中药厂,1993年进行股份制改造,2004年上市(股票代码:600479),2005年,“千金”商标被认定为中国驰名商标。千金药业系国家大中型中药制药企业。旗下拥有九家控股子公司。 千金药业注册资本3.05亿元,总资产11.35亿元,净资产9.38亿元。(截止到2011年底止)经济效益综合指标在湖南省医药行业同行中排名第一,位居国内中药行业前列。 公司拥有国内最大、工艺最成熟的中药片剂生产线,日产量为1200万片,年产量可达35亿片。硬件装备先进,达到国内领先水平。2009年12月,位于河西天元区栗雨工业园的千金女性健康产业基地正式投产,该基地建设属国家高新技术产业项目,占地200亩,达产规模30亿元。 公司专注于女性健康产业,已形成女性健康系列产品。公司现有片剂、颗粒剂、硬胶囊剂等八个剂型,十三条生产线,全部通过GMP认证。主要产品有:妇科千金片(胶囊)、补血益母颗粒、养阴清肺糖浆、千金椿乳凝胶、痛经宁糖浆(胶囊)、乳癖康胶囊、妇科调经片、千金宁洗液、千金止带丸、八珍益母片、加味逍遥丸、乳泉颗粒等。 公司现有14个独家产品,近50个生产批文,拥有各项专利206件。其中妇科千金片(胶囊)连续十年保持了妇科口服消炎类中成药第一品牌地位,其核心技术获得国家秘密技术保护;“千金” 商标被认定为中国驰名商标;公司现有19个国家医保目录品种,8个国家基本药物目录品种。主导产品妇科千金片(胶囊)是国家基本药物目录妇科炎症类唯一入选中成药,国家中药保护品种,国家医保甲类品种,载入2005版中国药典,被科技部列为国家保密品种。独家品种补血益母颗粒入选2009版国家医保目录,断红饮胶囊等多个产品进入多个省的医保目录。 公司“十二五”战略目标是:成为女性健康领域标杆企业,成为中药衍生领域品牌企业;实现集团公司年销售收入达50亿元;实现员工收入增长翻番;使千金药业成为“快乐千金”、“和谐千金”、“富裕千金”和“品牌千金”。   [更多]
changxin 2012-10-12 15:38 IP:重庆
最近在美国,天然气的可用性范围大大提高。这将潜在的影响天然气转化成化学物质的进程,比如目前来自原油的烯烃和芳烃。这个任务就是需要找到使天然气转换成主要的化学和化工原料的新方法。 这是一个思维方法的挑战,保证至少会奖励一名合格者。 应征稿件请直接上传网址: Natural Gas Conversion to Chemicals TAGS: Engineering/Design, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Ideation AWARD: $15,000 USD | DEADLINE: 10/28/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 126 | POSTED: 9/28/12 Recent developments show a large increase in Natural Gas (NG) availability in the US. This leads to the potential for processes to convert NG to chemicals that are currently derived from crude oil such as olefins and aromatics. The Seeker is looking for novel ideas for methods to convert Natural Gas to a major chemical or chemical feedstock beyond those processes known today. This is an Ideation Challenge with a guaranteed award for at least one submitted solution. Detailed Description & Requirements Background Recent developments show a large increase in Natural Gas (NG) availability in the US; novel production methods to extract NG from shale reservoirs have reversed forecasts from the US becoming a net gas importing to a net gas exporting country. On the demand side, gas utilization is favored because it has the lowest CO2 emissions /energy ratio. At the same time, crude oil availability (as simply observed from its price) has been limited. In general, the gas-oil differential has been widening in the recent past and there are reasons to believe this broad gap will be continued well into the future. This outlook offers interesting potential for processes to convert NG to products that are currently derived from crude oil, e.g. (liquid) transportation fuels and chemical feedstock as olefins and aromatics. Some processes already exist, for example: Gas-To-Liquids, GTL, process converting NG via synthesis gas intermediate (a mixture with varying ratios of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, often containing carbon dioxide as well) to paraffinic products using Fischer-Tropsch   [更多]
yanyan1989 2012-10-18 13:46 IP:长春
本单位想买保健食品批件,要求为该批件为双歧杆菌胶囊制剂的生产批件。价格电话联系,联系电话:18704486181。联系人:高明艳   [更多]
changxin 2012-09-27 16:37 IP:重庆
实验室拟邀请4位研究人员进行他们的研究项目。研究地点是在位于西班牙的葛兰素史克公司的药物开发园。研究人员的生活费,旅游资金,住宿费和研究所花的耗材成本皆由实验室承担。4个研究项目,每一个都有16万美元的预算。任务要求:需要有疟疾病,肺结核病和动质体疾病(南美锥虫病,利什曼病,昏睡病)等领域的开放性的研究。这项挑战的优胜者请直接联系实验室,以便根据他们的反馈和指导,做出更全面的考虑。这是一项寻找合作伙伴的任务,要求提交一份书面企划书以做评估。 Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation: Proposals for Neglected Diseases Research TAGS: Developing Countries, Requests for Partners and Suppliers, Life Sciences, Food/Agriculture, Nature, Global Health, Computer Science/Information Technology, Chemistry, Physical Sciences, Public Good, eRFP AWARD: varies | DEADLINE: 10/29/12 | ACTIVE SOLVERS: 92 | POSTED: 9/17/12 The Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation intends to invite up to 4 Solvers to conduct their research projects using the facilities and resources of GlaxoSmithKline’s Tres Cantos Medicines Development Campus in Spain. Researcher subsistence, travel, accommodation & consumable costs can be covered by the Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation. Four research projects are budgeted for, each having a maximum funding of $160,000. Proposals for groundbreaking research in the areas of malarial disease, tuberculosis and kinetoplastid diseases (Chagas Disease, Leishmaniasis or Sleeping Sickness) are required. The winners of this challenge will be contacted directly by the Tres Cantos Open Lab Foundation in order to make more comprehensive proposals based on their feedback and guidance. This is an electronic Request-for-Partners (eRFP) Challenge; the Solver will only need to submit a written proposal to be evaluated by the Seeker with a goal of establishing a collaborative partnership. Source: InnoCentive Challenge ID: 9933167 Challenge Overview Are you a researcher who would like to spend from 6 to 24 months at the world class facilities of the open lab at GSK’s Tres Cantos Medicines Development Campus in Spain carrying out research that will positively impact the lives of people in the developing world? Funding for up to 4 research projects totaling up to $160,000   [更多]
凯莎 2012-10-29 11:30 IP:北京
求购EP7.5电子版,最好能快一点,谢谢   [更多]
mashanren 2012-10-23 15:08 IP:南宁
制作医药公司网站,产品展示,流通渠道   [更多]
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